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The Exodus

The Age of Blood brought a great many catastrophes, most were supernatural and extraplanar threats, but these created practical and mortal catastrophes, the massive humanitarian and refugee crisis known as the Exodus was one example.   When the Age of Blood started in earnest the Seldori Plainlands rose with mountainous spires rising throughout the lands destroying cities, towns, and plains. This event destroyed the Kingdom of Avadel, killed uncountable numbers, and led to those who survived fleeing wherever they could; this event has come to be known as the Exodus.   Some of the Avmans fled northeast and fell victim to the Cinderblood Empire, others crossed the Sulfur Sea to the north east finding prosperity and slavery, others crossed the Great Seuibe finding shelter and conflict in the Free States and the Kingdoms of the Arm of Runedastil, but most died from exaustion, exposure, starvation, and the horrors that were brought to this world during the Age of Blood. The humanitarian crisis that the Exodus created was unprecedented, and unfortunately mostly ignored, as people were more inclined to look after their own. The only possible result was violence, even as fiends, undead, and arcane monstrosities terrorised Runetalras, humans found themselves in conflict with one another.   After the immediate threat of demons, devils, and undead were dealt with a great deal of violence erupted over territory, the resulting conflict changed the demographics of Runedastil forever more.  

The legacy

  The Exodus has led to a change in the ethnic makeup of the areas they fled to, this is nowhere more pronounced than in the Arm of Runedastil, two groups of noble house can be found, those who had migrated there during the Ages of Contact and Contempt, who have simpler names and a long history on the Arm, and those who migrated to the Arm during the Exodus. The most prominent of the Avmans who migrated to the Arm were House Gathral, who did not arrive on the Arm until the Age of Contempt.

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