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Torm (Tor-m)

Torm is a deity of honour, nobility, conviction, protection, and strength at arms. The faithful of Torm believe that he is a protector of the weak, patron of noble knights, and the upholder of oaths.

Where the Cult Thrives

Torm is worshipped within Thaxnoria as a part of the Octurn, but is little worshipped elsewhere.

Tenets of the Faith

The faithful of Torm believe that he is a protector of the weak, patron of noble knights, and the upholder of oaths. They pray to Torm for protection from bandits and monsters, for safety when they travel, and for the preservation of their homes and lives during times of war. Nobles and knights pray to Torm to uphold their duties and oaths in difficult times, to guide them in being merciful, and to strengthen their steel when they must fight against the wicked. The followers of Torm believe in justice and righteous vengeance, and may turn to the deity when they have been wronged and seek intervention or strength to bring about justice.


Temples dedicated to Torm are open places which allow room for worship and training with arms, and are typically decorated with shields bearing the coat of arms of those who have fallen in the pious service of the Righteous Lord.


priests of Torm are often made up of noble and baseborn alike,and typically garb themselves in steel and keep weapons as close as holy symbols. The priests of the Righteous Fury are typically warriors themselves, who have dedicated their lives to the service of Torm. They are trained in combat and the ways of war, and are expected to be able to defend themselves and others in battle. They also spend a great deal of time studying the tenets of their faith, and are well-versed in the laws and teachings of Torm.

Depictions of the Deity

Torm is often depicted as an exceptionally well built and tall human male wearing full plate armour and wielding a battle axe and shield.


The Righteous Fury are a religious-military order that operate within the Kingdom of Thaxnoria. They are a group of warriors and priests who serve the deity Torm, the Lord of Justice. They believe that justice should be upheld by those who are strong, capable, and honourable. They see themselves as the protectors of the weak and the defenders of the innocent, and are committed to fighting against injustice and tyranny. They often take on the role of knights or paladins, dedicating their lives to the pursuit of righteousness and the protection of the innocent.
Titles: The Righteous Lord, the Loyal Fury, the True Hand   Alignment: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral   Symbol: A white right gauntlet   Domains: Order, Twilight, War
Religious, Organised Religion

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