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Tymora (Ta-more-ra)

Tymora is worshipped as both a deity of luck and wealth

Where the Cult Thrives

Tymora has worshippers throughout the Free States, Yhess Kingdoms, and is the patron deity of Republic of Valantia.

Tenets of the Faith

Tymora is worshiped as both a deity of luck and wealth. When one is in need of wealth or seeks to maintain their wealth they pray to the Smiling Lady, and when a person attempts something for which ample amounts of luck are needed they make their prayers to the Smiling Lady. The Cult of the Smiling Lady believe that luck is anything but, luck is the divine will of Tymora if one is experiencing good luck they are said to have the favour of the Smiling Lady. Similarly those with wealth must deserve it, and the Smiling Lady’s favour had to have been upon them to mass it and must continue to be upon them for them to maintain it.   The followers of the Smiling Lady are a diverse group of ambitious and hopeful individuals, drawing from the smallfolk, merchants, craftsmen, and nobles. All have similar reasons for following the deity wanting to improve or maintain either their luck or wealth.


Temples of Tymora are large and luxurious structures made of well worked stone and marble. They depict the Smiling Lady and significant figures of wealth and power in grand stone statues. They are also used as places for important deals to be made between powerful individuals and states.


Priests of the Cult of Tymora are primarily from merchant and noble houses, and are dressed in finery befitting a deity of wealth.

Depictions of the Deity

Tymora is most often depicted as a young, slim human female with gold-silver hair. She wears intricate, long dresses adorned with gold, rings and a necklace and tiara.


The Smiling Lords are a faction of powerful and wealthy individuals who also pay worship to the deity Tymora . They are a significant political faction within Republic of Valantia’s political scene. They seek to gain more power and wealth, members also work to gain a portion of that power and wealth, and function as enforcers.
Titles: Lady Luck, the Smiling Lady   Alignment: Neutral Good, Neutal   Symbol: Face-up coin with a woman upon it   Domains: Trickery
Religious, Organised Religion

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