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Waukeen (Wau-keen)

The followers of Waukeen, also known as the Lady of Gold, believe that she is a deity of wealth, trade, and crafting.

Where the Cult Thrives

Waukeen is primarily worshipped within Thaxnoria as a part of the Octurn, although as trade flows to other cities so has the worship of Waukeen.

Tenets of the Faith

Waukeen is worshipped as a deity of wealth, trade, and crafting. The Lady of Gold is said to favour those who are able to amass vast wealth or create mastercrafted objects. The Lady of Gold is believed to be a fickle deity, whose blessings quickly fall on someone with corresponding wealth, only to pass them by just as quickly reducing them to poverty. Despite her fickle nature Waukeen has wide worship, as a vast amount of people wish to indulge in the wealth of the Lady of Gold if only for a moment. The Cult of the Lady of Gold has oft been tied to the ruling classes, exchanging the Lady of Gold’s blessing in return for financial or political favours. The Lady of Gold is relaxed when it comes to illicit or criminal trade of goods, the only concern for her followers is what makes coin.


Temples to the Lady of Gold are ostentatious, gold plating, silver, jewelry, and fine silks are extremely common as the Cult displays the wealth they possess. Important trade deals or other financial deals are officially signed within Temples to the Lady of Gold or within sight of her in temples of the Octurn.


The priests and clergy of the Lady of Gold is almost exclusively from the nobility and influential merchants, who maintain the Cult’s ties to the powerful.

Depictions of the Deity

Waukeen is often depicted as a young and beautiful female Human, with tied back golden hair. She wears a golden corset adorned with a rainbow of jewels, a clock made of gold head aloft by a neckpiece of gold and emerald, and a long flowing skirt.


The Golden Orderis a religious and economic organisation that follows the teachings of the deity Waukeen, who is worshipped as a deity of wealth, trade, and crafting. The followers of The members of the Golden Order are mostly merchants and bankers who work to improve the systems of trade and commerce in order to increase wealth. They also provide security for trade routes and caravans, and can act as mercenaries and bodyguards. The members of the Golden Order are often drawn from the nobility and influential merchants, who help maintain the Order's ties to the powerful.
  Titles: The Lady of Gold, the Coinmaiden, the Merchant's Friend   Alignment: Neutral, Neutral Evil, Neutral Good   Symbol: Upright coin with Waukeen's profile facing left   Domains: Forge, Knowledge, Trickery
Religious, Organised Religion

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