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Runeterra, the magic earth, is the home of numerous races, civilizations and other-worldly beings. Split into two major continents, Valoran and Shurima, Runeterra has had it's share of war, celestial intervention and magical manipulations. From the ancient Rune Wars that nearly tore the world apart to the awakening of the Void which now threatens to consume all races and even the celestial beings themselves, Runeterra can be a harsh world.   Civilizations formed quickly to protect the inhabitants of Runeterra from these dangers. Demacia to the west of Valoran believe magic is a curse, a sickness that has brought all bad-comings to Runeterra and should be destroyed at all costs. Noxus is fueled by war and expansionism but also can also be the most fair for those looking to prove themselves and rise the societal ranks. The Freljord to the north, nestled in the frozen mountains, is a harsh region where its citizens are born strong or die to the unforgiving climate. Shurima, once the greatest empire of Runeterra, was destroyed when greed drove unworthy humans to sought the power of the gods for themselves. These are just a few of the many civilizations that formed, along with Targon, Ixtal, Bildgewater, Ionia, the Shadow Isles, Piltover and Zaun which all have their own unique denizens, religions and culture.   This world stems from the massive amount of effort and writing of Riot Games but also has many unique aspects from myself and fellow contributors. For more information regarding how this effects what can be seen click here.