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From the hinterlands of Kalduga to the ageless beauty of the Amarantine Coast, the Ixtal jungles beyond the desert wastes remained shrouded in mystery for centuries. Once part of Shurima's vast empire, these verdant forests are home to many strange and terrifying creatures. For centuries, the dragonborn villages violently guarded the jungles from outsiders, killing even their own kind if they did not seem like natives. Very little is known of Ixtal’s history by those outside its borders. Indeed, over the years, countless expeditions—from Noxus, Bilgewater, and the Piltover Explorers Guild—have delved into the jungle in search of arcane treasures or new territorial claims... only to vanish without a trace. In the past century, they changed their isolationist policies and opened the borders of their jungle to allow select visitors in. Not much has been learned of what has gone on in their lands during their time away, but those that have been fortunate enough to visit have seen great wonders. Much more than they thought to expect in what the world considered hostile, primitive natives.

Interesting Things About Ixtal

  • Magic is very commonplace in the arcology cities of Ixtal. There is a view that each and every permutation of elemental magic is governed by a numbered Axiom, held almost sacred by the arcology that teaches it. The simpler Axioms are taught to those with specialized needs, such as teaching quarry workers magic to make the hauling of stone as easy as carrying a bag of feathers.
  • The Ixtali jungle hides the ruined remains of several ancient Shuriman cities near the border, but none have been able to pillage them under the watchful eyes of the Path Wardens.
  • Ixtal is dedicated to the preservation of the world around them. Several sprawling arcologies replace what would be cities in the dense jungle, each representing a specific form or discipline of elemental magic. Each of these pyramid structures is self-sufficient and can house thousands of residents. Those that live outside of these make their homes in smaller villages that blend in with the rainforest.

Ixtali Characters

Ixtal has one of the least diverse populations in all of Runeterra, though it may become more diverse in the future. Dragonborns would be the general choice for a character hailing from this region, though your sub-race would be indicative of your lifestyle before becoming an adventurer. As you develop an Ixtali character, consider the following:
  • The Class System. Ixtal's society runs on a loose class system with powerful mages at the top. Were you part of a family with deep ties to magic giving you an edge over the rest? Maybe your family was generationally associated with pottery, but you found talents in another field. Or maybe you've finally broken your debts as an indentured servant and are starting fresh. Whatever the case, it should help feed into choosing the background suitable for your character.
  • Pride in Magic. After centuries of isolation, the Ixtali view the world as a bunch of upstarts and pretenders trying to catch up to their world of magic. A sense of superiority grips at the heart of most of their greater mages even as their curiosity urges them to learn more. If you're not going to play a magic-using class, consider taking the Magic Initiate feat. Whether you favor damage-dealing cantrips or more utilitarian ones, every Ixtal-raised Dragonborn should know at least a little magic.


The arcologies are connected by intersecting lines of power, and each represents a specific form or discipline of elemental magic. The largest are home to thousands of Ixtali practitioners, with a social hierarchy based on the length of time spent in study, furthering their progression toward ultimate mastery. Nearly all Ixtali are exposed to magic and have the opportunity to rise through the ranks.   Generally speaking, there is a noble class, a commoner class, and a slave class. The nobles are the high ranking mages and military leaders and have much more free time to pursue their individual studies. The commoners are the artisans, agriculturists, merchants, and guard. The slave class exists as a semi-voluntary way for individuals to pay off their debts or as punishments for certain crimes. Those who employ these indentured servants are responsible for housing and feeding them, and cannot resell their debts except to put themselves into indentured servitude as well.


Renowned for its mastery of elemental magic, Ixtal was one of the first independent nations to join the Shuriman empire. In truth, Ixtali culture is much older—part of the great westward diaspora that gave rise to civilizations including the Buhru and the Blessed Isles.   But the mages of Ixtal survived the Void, and later the Darkin, by distancing themselves from their neighbors, drawing the wilderness around them like a shield. While much had already been lost, they were committed to the preservation of what little remained...
"Those who find Ixtal do not live to speak of it."
— Qiyana Yunala
Alternate Names:
The Lost Lands   Government System:
Magocracy   Ruler(s):
Qiyana Yunala   Legislature(s):
Yun Tal Cast
Vastayan Councils   Founding Date:
2000 BN   Location:
Ixtal Jungle of eastern Shurima   Capital:
Ixaocan   Demographics:
Humans 24%, Vastaya 49%, Elf 16%, Yordles 3%, Other 7%   Attitude Towards Magic:
Control   Level of Technology:
Alchemical   Prominent Religion(s):
Axiomata   Common Languages:
Common, Ixtali   Notable Organizations:
Colleges of Magic
Path Wardens   Denonym:

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