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The Sentinals of Light


The Sentinels of Sentinels of Light are an ancient order of hunters originally formed on the Blessed Isles. Its members are currently scattered across Runeterra defending it from the undying wraiths of the Shadow Isles.


The Sentinels of Light are an ancient sacred order that could traced back its origins to the Blessed Isles, where the Black Mist originated, and defend Runeterra from the Black Mist. Known places defended by the Sentinels include Bilgewater, Demacia, Holdrum, Holnek, Ionia, and the Serpentine Delta. The Sentinels have established multiple strongholds across Runeterra in order to fight off Harrowings.   Each member of the order is given a relic-stone weapon as their main weapon for hunting. A Sentinel uses the weapon by channeling their souls into light. Lucian's pistols were originally wielded by his father Urias and by Senna. Senna now wields a relic canon made out of various relic-stones from deceased Sentinels.   While inside Thresh's Thresh's lantern, Senna freed some Sentinels' souls, who possessed lost knowledge of the Ruination's origins, and of her curse. Now, their goal is to find the Ruined King Ruined King and stop him at any cost.


While mostly hidden from common knowledge, the Sentinels set up multiple strongholds across Runeterra to stand against the growing threat of darkness. Inside them include caches of stone weapons and stone tablets that allow Sentinels to communicate with other bases. There is also the Worldstone, an enchanted map that allows the Sentinels to track the Black Mist across Runeterra and teleport between Sentinel bases. However, most Sentinel bases have been destroyed or deteriorated after years of neglect.
  • Sentinel Headquarters. Main outpost of the order. Located on a secluded island thousands of leagues away from nearest point of Demacia in Valoran, it was previously attacked by the black mist, leaving no survivors.
  • Map Room. Located in the Sentinel headquarters, the map room is used as the main strategic coordination center of the order. The Worldstone is located in the center of the room.
  • Sanctum of Lost Light. A room located inside the main sentinel headquarters, it contains weapon relics and other artifacts of deceased sentinels. Senna frequently visited this place to ponder about mortality and her duty as a sentinel.



Most sentinels follow a specific dress code, white and black cloth with gold trimmings and geometric accessories, including the crest of the Sentinels.


Every deceased Sentinel gets a long tapestry, made from threads and magic, depicting their their final moments. Lenasha, an ex-Sentinel, had one such tapestry showing her with her relic shield defending the living from an onslaught of wraiths before she died. Similarly, Senna had her own tapestry, with arms crossed over her chest and with her eyes glowing with an eerie green light. It is unclear to what extent the tapestries are enchanted.


The weapons of the Sentinels are made from stones of the Blessed Isles, holding the arcane power of light. These weapons aren't activated by force or trigger but by the sheer force of righteous will of the user, channeling the light of their soul to push back the darkness. The relic weapons of the Sentinels are the only known defense against the Black Mist and its creatures of darkness. Relic weapons can vary from blades to guns to crossbows.
Most famous among the relic weapons are the twin pistols wielded by Lucian. They were carved from the same stone and have been passed down through generations of Sentinels. They once belonged to Lucian's father Urias before he took up the weapons in their honor. Other notable Sentinel relics include Senna's relic cannon and Akshan's Absolver. Senna's cannon is made from the weapons of fallen Sentinels. While imprisoned in Thresh's lantern, Senna freed the souls of her fellow Sentinels and collected their stones to create her cannon. The Absolver once belonged to Sentinel Shadya and has the power to revive anyone who was recently killed by it's target, if it kills them. It has since been modified and is in the possession of Akshan upon Shadya's murder.
  • Wayfinders. Used by Sentinels to instantly teleport them and a small group back to the Sentinel Headquarters. They are often designed to resemble relic weapons. Only Sentinels bound to their Wayfinders can use them.
  • Mistcatchers. Ionian incense weapons used by the Mistkeepers.


Located in the map room of the Sentinel Headquarters, the worldstone is a large enchanted stone tablet depicting a relief of several continents, archipelagos, and islands of the northern hemisphere of Runeterra. It is able to turn from white to black in areas where the black mist is attacking. Its other uses are for instant communication between order members across Runeterra, creating light projections of calling order members, as well as instant fast-travel to any sentinel outpost shown on the map.

The Oath

Each and every Sentinel candidate before joining the order must recite the Oath amongst several witnesses as well as abide by the oath until they leave the order or by their permanent death.
I swear by the light of the ancients... I will not run from darkness. I will light the way with a steadfast heart, And face each shadow with a ready weapon As a beacon, a warrior, a Sentinel, I defend myself, my fellows, and my world. May we stand together in the light, or fall in darkness. Fight bravely and remember your oath.
— Oath of the Sentinels of Light

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