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All the able-bodied, adult men in the village are expected to serve in its defence. The women work to maintain the homes and make the food and clothes.


They wear their Blanket cloaks to keep them warm and carry their food an weaponary in a bag on their backs.


They use bows and arrows for ambushes and when fighting at a distance which is there prefered method of fighting. 
For close combat, as a last resort, they use swords, axes or faming impliments.


They travel very light, always on foot, so they do not own any vehicles which are useless in the rough terain they live in anyway.


They hide in the trees and ridged terain of the mountians where they live and are able to open fire on enemy soldiers as they struggle to traverse the landscape.


Logistical Support

They are always based in and around the village so the women of the village support them by cooking, cleaning and repairing clothes as well as looking after the wounded.


They are on their own, when they fall so does the village. No one is available to help them.


They live in the village and still work on the farms in addition to their defence of the village. 
They are not trained soldiers really but people who are being forced to defend their homes and people from invaders.


Every able-bodied man in the village is expected to serve for as long as he his able.


Historically, the People of the Mountains did not need to defend themselves as the landscape largely did that for them. In the last few decades this has changed and the skills and weaponry they once only used for hunting now have to be used for their defence as well.
Overall training Level


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Aug 17, 2024 21:56 by Marjorie Ariel

Even though this is only a militia, I imagine their skill at hunting, and the strength they've developed from farming still lend them quite a bit of power.