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Eagle Hunters


Culture and cultural heritage

They travel across the borders of many countries as they have done since before these countries were defined. Though now they are not always welcomed as they are the only people able to cross The Void unharmed and as such are deeply distrusted.

Common Etiquette rules

They are very welcoming to their own but wary if strangers, this is a necassary part of their lives as they are not always welcomed when they stay near villages.

Common Dress code

Their clothing differs depending on where they are traveling and staying but it is always colourful and bright which means they are easily recognised. 
When they are up in the mountains their attire resembles the clothing of the People of the Mountains but this is mainly because the two cultures are closely linked.

Art & Architecture

They build no permenant dwellings it seems, but their caravans are very vibrently painted and decorated.

Foods & Cuisine

Their food is based on what they can hunt and trade with others, this means it often focuses on small creatures such as rabbit for their main protein source.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

They travel to the winter quarters as the days grow shorter, they converge there for the winter solstice celebrations. This is often the childrens favourite time of the year as it allows them to see their cousins again and discuss the previous years adventures.

Common Taboos

They do not disrespect the eagles as they are reliant on them for food. 
The children are taught from a young age to respect those around them, this is necassary as they live in such tight quaters with each other.

Common Myths and Legends

They tell many stories as they travel and around the fires when they stop for the night. Most of these stories focus on their symbyotic relationship with the birds they use to hunt for their food.


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