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Feeding of the spirits


No one really knows why this tradition started, they just know that it has become widespread in every household, from the tiniest one room peasant cottage to the Royal Palace  in the Capital city people will do this every night before they go to bed.


Some one will leave the food and drink, usually the best thing that was made in the kitchen that day, out by the front door for the spirits of the house. This is believed to ensure that the spirits stay happy in the hope that they will continue to look after the house and the family who live there.

Components and tools

The finest plate in the house is kept for this purpose, in a peasant house this could be the first wooden plate that the a child or the father of the household made but in a wealthy house this can be a fine imported plate from a far off land. 
The food used is also the best made in the house that day, the best piece of the meal made for the family sacrificed for the protection of the household.


The entire household can be in attedance or only the person leaving the food. Often the oldest person or the head of the family performs the sacrifice but sometimes children are allowed to, particularly on special occassions such as their birthday or saints day.


This ritual takes place before the household goes to bed each night, almost always after nightfall, in the hope of appeasing the household spirits for another night.
This is one of Nikolai's favourite traditions because when he was younger his father would always allow him to leave out the food.
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Aug 25, 2024 15:37 by Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia

I would add some small snippets or quotes from Nikolai into this article. Good start and worth completing and polishing!

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