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Basic Information


This animals have four short legs ending with hoofs which help them to move about their steep and snowy home. They also have thick coats which keep them warm in the bitter cold.

Biological Traits

In the wild they can live about ten years. In captivity they last a shorter amount of time as they are raised for food.

Growth Rate & Stages

The animals grow quickly, oftenreaching their fll adult size in a single year. This fast growth makes them extremly valuble to the People of the Mountains as they are a quickly replenishing food source.

Ecology and Habitats

These animals thrive best in the cold and snowy climate of the Northern Mountains, though they are at risk of they ever end up in the The Northern Mountain Pass where even they will struggle to scale the cliffs.

Dietary Needs and Habits

In the wild, they eat whatever plants they find in their harsh terrain whereas in the goats kept in captivity by the People of the Mountains are fed hay as well.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They live in the Northern Mountains between Rusfaeris and the Northern Country.

Average Intelligence

They aren't very clever, often enter the very dangerous The Northern Mountain Pass which they are unable to leave.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The design of their pupils means they are able to see behind their heads as well as in front of them. They also rely on theri great hearing to get around as it warns them of snow falling which it critical when they live in a place that suffers to greatly from avalanches.
10 years in the wild
Conservation Status
This species is extremely important for the survival of the people of the mountains and are farmed by them for their meat and skins.
Geographic Distribution


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Aug 12, 2024 10:47

I love this article for its simplicity and practicality. Who doesn't need goats in their world?

Aug 12, 2024 19:30

I know, they are such useful animals really. They can leave in steep mountains, they produce milk with can be drunk and used to make cheese (though I personally don't care for goat's cheese), their meat can be eaten and their pelts used for clothing and to make shelter.   They are also remarkably hardy animals that can live in most places, there are even feral goats in the Highlands of Scotland that are descended from domestic goats that escaped and now live wild there.   I also recently learned that the reason they have such odd shaped pupils is so they can see further around their heads.   Sorry for the long info dump about goats, I'm autistic and find them very interesting so I can talk about them at length.

Aug 13, 2024 05:55

No worries, if you can't info dump in a worldbuilding platform then where? I didn't know they could be such interesting animals.