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Nikita Vasilyevich Belov

Nikita Vasilyvich Belov

Physical Description

Facial Features

He has sharp cheekbones and almond shaped brown eyes with dark hair and eyebrows. His face seems almost perfect, apart from the small web of scars that radiate from his left temple. It's so faded that no one really notices it, apart from Irina who remembers how he got it.
When they were young and all the other had in the world, some of the older boys were mocking her. Nikita saw and wasn't going to stand for it, he confronted them. The oldest and meanest of those boys pushed him over and he hit his head on the corner of a table. The matron was very angry with the older boys and made them fetch water from the well every day for a month.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He was orpahned as a small child and was taken to Duke Vasily 's orphanage where he met Irina who immediately became his partner in crime and dearest friend.
They grew up together and when they reached the age of conscription they joined the army together however they were sepperated during training and it is the highlight of their years the few times they see each other. 
The last time they saw each other, it was on a crossing of The Void where Nikita nearly died and Irina showed her power which lead to her being dragged away from him to join the Shadow Army.


He was educated by the matron at the orpahange who taught him to read and write but aside from the occasional letter he doesn't really use either skill.


Due to conscription he was forced to join the army when he turned seventeen, other than that he has had no real job, though he would like to be a farmer when if he survives his service.

Personality Characteristics


He wants to protect Irina, who is his oldest friend and dearest confidante.

Vices & Personality flaws

He can be jealous of others and sometimes fails to see what those around him really need.
Parents (Adopting)


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