Rail cart Vehicle in Rusfaeris | World Anvil
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Rail cart

The only transport across The Void

The invention of the rail cart meant there was a way to more easily cross The Void and allowed for easier trade between the two sides. 
They run on rails that were built across The Void with a great number of casualties from the workers when attacks came suddenly. 
This method of transportation is hated by the regualar soldiers of Rusfaeris who live in fear of being ordered to cross The Void.


The carts are moved by people pushing against the sand with oar-like sticks. This is heavy work and has to be done by professionals, although these people are hard to come by because of the high mortality rate in their line of work.

Armor and defense

The carts are not well armed, little more than a wooden crate on wheels in which about a dozen soldiers have to sit in cramped conditions for the long trip.

Hangars & docked vessels

When not in use, the carts are kept in a yard near the military camp and are maintained by craftsman in the nearest village.
They are little more than a peasants cart on rails, it's a wonder why it took them so long to come up with the idea.
Death trap
Owning Organization
It doesn't cost much to produce, they are largely disposable
They are mass produced for military use
They aren't very quick, much to the annoyance of those who have to travel on them
Complement / Crew
Two people are needed to propel the cart along the rails.
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
About a dozen people can be crammed into one, with storage left for goods


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