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Rusfaeris' Harbour


Located at the mouth of the great river, this is the only natural harbour on the coast of Rusfaeris and as such is an extreamly important place for their international trade.


The bay is frequented by many ships but that doesn't deter many species of fish from living here. Occassionally larger animals such as dolphins can also be seen around the harbour mouth, though they almost never enter. Sea birds are also a common site to see flying overhead, they particularly like the fishing docks where they can hope to steal a some food for they lunch or dinner.

Ecosystem Cycles

Most of the fish leave the harbour to migrate further south during the winter, as do the many sea birds that also frequent this place in the late spring and summer.

Localized Phenomena

The bay is protected from the bad summer squalls and is a safe haven for boats during these times. The high walls also often protect the ships from the wild and bitter storms that happen frequently as the months grow colder and winter rages on.


In the summer, the bay is often sunny with light breezes but little more until a squall comes along but even these high winds and icy rain pass quickly to be replaced with pleasant weather once again. 
In winter, however, it is a different story. The weather is cruel and her mood can change in an instant. Icy hailstones accompanied by thunder and lightening can go on for days. When the weather is really bitter, the bay can even freeze over completely which causes all trade in the country to come to a grinding halt for days or even weeks on end.


The longest recorded freeze in the bay went on for almost two straight months and led to widespread hunger and stavation throughout Rusfaeris as it prevented all trade in the country.
Alternative Name(s)
The Harbour
Owning Organization


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