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Basic Information


They are belived to crawl about on four legs like a cat or wolf but no one knows for sure, they are rarely ever seen and even then that is only in darkness.

Genetics and Reproduction

Popular tale tells that they reproduce when they eat the dead flesh they love to feast on, hence the constant struggle to keep the population down.

Growth Rate & Stages

They grow quickly, ever expanding in size as they eat and lurk in the shadows. No one knows how big they can get, they are elusive and lurk in the shadows, away from people, waiting for their next meal.

Ecology and Habitats

They are found across the world but particularly favour places of difficulty like the The Northern Mountain Pass and The Void where they are likely to get an easy meal of human or animal flesh.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They feed on dead flesh, often frequenting the sites of recent battles to feed on the fallen soldiers lying on the ground. On occassion they have been known to dig up village graveyards to feast on the recently dead and even kill living animals when times are hard, but they often find this a waste of their energy when already dead meat is available for them to eat instead.

Biological Cycle

They grow stronger in the darkness and shadows so they thrive in the darker winter months, especially when the crops were bad and famine rages across the country which provides them with more easy meals.


They avoid people so their behaviour is unknown.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They can somehow find their food, even in the dark. They are drawn to places of decay, of dying, where they can feast on the flesh that they so enjoy.
Conservation Status
These creatures thrive too much, their population should be being kept down but it is impossible to do so.
Geographic Distribution


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