The Giant Turnip

The Giant Turnip is the only Giant Vegetable to so far have been engineered, however, the science is underway to lead in the discovery of how to make more. The idea is that enough giant vegetables will prevent food shortages if/when the state of Ketterzan goes to war again.


Prior to being enlarged, the Giant Turnip belonged to a Leshy. When the leshy was Touched by Winter, this weakened the connection between the two, leaving the turnip vulnerable. The Gnome Vnushka Repka selected the turnip for her experiments, in what might on the surface seem like a coincidence, but was actually due to its being more physically noticeable to mortals once it lost the Pass Without Trace granted by the Leshy.   Vnushka Repka was successful in permanently enlarging the turnip, but her ignorance as to why the results have been irreplicable has led her down a path of torturing Taiga Giants and creating hulking, overengorged Leshy creatures, many of whom don't have the energy to function as such gigantic creatures.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Current Location
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10 ft radius