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Deadwood Spire

Deadwood Spire is a colossal, ancient tree that stands alone in the desolate expanse of the Deadwood Desert. Towering above the barren landscape, it is the only structure for miles around, its massive, gnarled branches reaching skyward like the skeletal remains of some long-forgotten giant.  

A Legacy of the Ancient World

  According to legend, Deadwood Spire was once the First World Tree, a primordial source of life and magic. Millennia ago, it thrived, its roots and branches connecting the very fabric of the world. However, over time, its vitality waned, and it eventually died. With its last breath, it is said to have scattered seeds across the Wandrwall, giving birth to the Gnomes who now inhabit the forests and mountains, carrying with them the last fragments of the ancient tree's magic.  

A Sacred Landmark

  Today, Deadwood Spire serves as a vital landmark and gathering place for those who traverse the Deadwood Desert. Despite its lifeless appearance, it remains a symbol of enduring strength and ancient heritage. Travelers and nomads often converge here, some drawn by the tree's historical significance, but most for the sense of awe it inspires. The base of the spire has become a meeting point for various tribes and wanderers, fostering a sense of community in an otherwise harsh and isolated environment.  It also acts as a pilgrimage destination for many gnomes.  

The Deadwood's Refuge

  The Deadwood Desert itself is a unique and curious expanse. Unlike other regions, it is devoid of any magic font, resulting in an environment where magical energies are conspicuously absent. This lack of magic has a profound effect on the creatures that inhabit the desert. Beasts and monsters here are much less magical and, consequently, much weaker than their counterparts in other regions. This makes the Deadwood Desert a surprisingly safer place for travelers, despite its barren and inhospitable appearance. A small settlement has formed around the Spire, comprised of gnomes and wanderers who believe in the legend of the World Tree.
Natural Wonder


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Aug 14, 2024 01:05 by Paul

I love the image that this article conjured in my mind. Great work!

Join the brave skysailors of Linebound!
Aug 14, 2024 03:16 by Lady Wynter

I liked reading this article. I'd love to get a better picture of how and why this is a place to shelter.

Bringing the Light