Aufgel Ruby Material in Ruune | World Anvil
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Aufgel Ruby


Long ago, before the Ever-lasting Kingdom was whole, there was a great feud between the Elves and the Dwarves. The region was on the brink of war, teetering from side to side of a pit of destruction, and as the Dwarves absently dug deeper, the found something that would strike a match and light the flames of conflict. Aufgel Ruby, the dwarves called it: a stone that seemed to radiate magical, explosive energy.   Through time and experimentation, the Dwarves found that the get gathered energy from all sorts of sources: the light of the sun, the heat of magma, and, most interestingly, the destructive power of lightning. The dwarves used this red stone to power their new machines and prototype weaponry. This technology later found its way east to the human Kingdom of August, where, with the help of dwarven smiths and engineers, humans were able to realize the technology of compacting the power of three catapults into a metal tube six paces long on wheels, with projectiles made of metal instead of stone.  
The mining of Aufgel was an act that appalled the elves, who believed that this blood-red gem was the life-blood of the earth that the dwarves were extracting.

Current State & Value

  Aufgel has since been mined for its energy storing and expelling properties, fetching decent prices at market in nearly every kingdom. It is used to make everything from horse-less transportation to weapons of considerable destruction. Even though the feud us long over and the war long past, the mining of Aufgel, while common, is not exactly popular with some people groups in the Ever-lasting Kingdom, making it a keen and valuable export of the other nations; the purchase of the stone being frowned upon less than the excavation of it.


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Aug 21, 2023 12:36

This was an interesting read, particularly in regards to effectively being a power source, and fantasy gunpowder, as well as the conflicts that arise from the mining of this particular mineral. I look forward to seeing this article expanded in the future to further elaborate the unique properties of the Aufgel Ruby.

Check out my homebrew worlds: The New Frontier: Legacy of the Cataclysm and Getninia