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When the original soraen race split into two, the kolbs moved into the southern cities, across the great deserts. While originally identical physically to the Vekorna (or veks as they were known at the time), the kolbs refused to wear protective armor, and the dryness and lack of oxygen circulation that the thin layer or moisture provided turned their plated skin yellow. Their sensor heads shrank and cracked, as did their hands.   Still, they survived, and even thrived, until their star Alpro became unstable and started emitting excessive heat and light. While the vekorna retreated underground, the wingless kolbs went on the offensive and finally eradicated the winged of both species from Rykol.   With the Vekorna gone, the kolbs split into factions and warred among themselves, many becoming nomads, one clan settling the minor continents in the far southern ocean. Too remote to fight other clans, they attacked the races that were supposed to be their caretakers, the folems and loboms. The resulting counter-strike was made with cloned alien beasts that were nearly impossible to kill, which roamed the landscape for a generation before either being subdued or gone into hibernation.   When the Vekorna emerged, they helped the kolbs defeat the last of the obom beasts, and there was peace for a short while. When the meteor hit the planet, creating the giant crater Sumo, the resulting mutation created the rokel subspecies. They enslaved the rokels until that race was eradicated by humans.   War erupted again between the kolbs and Vekorna, until the winged mutation appeared again. The winged hid, and the winged kolbs worked with Bolob to modify the birth chambers to eradicate the wingless genes.   All races came together, putting aside their differences, when alien zonguans, attacked from the third planet in the solar system, calling the soraen god a devil. The zonguans were beaten back, and war started again on Rykol, in the form of small skirmishes.   Humanity was brought to Rykol by the Vekorna, and they helped wage the largest war that Rykol ever saw, against the kolbs.


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