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Drakon Tor

Drakon Tor (a.k.a. The Mountain Crusader)

His name? Drakon. His path? Vengeance. Drakon Tor was born on the coast of the Spires, and has lived with his parents most of his life in the mountains and mines. He has always wished for more protection and civilization in The Spires from the bandit and raider hordes. But couldn't do it because of his age. He had talked it over with his parents, but they dismissed his concerns and said that there were not many bandits here and they could be contained. After their death by bandits when Drakon was 17, He swore an oath. He would prevent other's fates from being his by exterminating the ones whom cause destruction, and tame this land. His parents, Steph and Boris, were fighters, hunters and Boris could blacksmith. They had taught Drakon how to use swords, polearms, bows, smith, etc. Drakon has always disliked the city and the ruling guilds over it, but thinks it is of secondary importance to him. He suffers major raids from these bandits, who seem to be organized to a large extent. He cannot focus on his dream, for he can barely even leave his mine. With Rival miners and merchants in the city and organized bandits in the mountains, Drakon seems only to be alive through sheer luck. That luck may be running out.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Rugged, very built arms and legs, wide chest, large head.

Facial Features

No facial hair, somewhat dirty skin

Physical quirks

Big chin

Special abilities


Apparel & Accessories

Wears holy symbol on belt, wears chainmail under his tunic

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Parental taught



Mental Trauma

Parents died

Intellectual Characteristics

Devoted to smithing

Morality & Philosophy

Moral, Just. He thinks that working for himself and being off the known path will make his path easier

Personality Characteristics


To make sure that others will not lose their loved ones by the destructive hands of the beasts and bandits

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Mountain savvy, forest savvy, business savvy, book savvy. Jungle inept, Sarcasm inept, shield inept.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Smithing, Training, Studying, Hunting, Chess, Climbing, Mountains Dislikes: Sailing, Large amounts of people, Deserts and other hot environments.

Personality Quirks

Can't smith shields


Washes every other day, a lot of his clothes are covered in soot from his mine and forge, but he has good clothes for the city andnon-mining days.


Contacts & Relations

Merchants and many citizens of the city

Family Ties


Religious Views

Worships Zol, the Deity of the sun.

Social Aptitude

Can haggle with merchants very well, and knows many of the citizens well, and has a good reputation.


Cultured, Soft Spoken, mannered.

Hobbies & Pets

Archery, Study, Smithing


Soft spoken

Wealth & Financial state

Has a forge, mine which has silver, coal, and iron

Was raised by his lone miner mom and dad, after some bandits took both of their lives, he attempted to track them down. He failed, yet loved the adventure. He seeks allies against the bandit horde in Faedal

View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Current Residence
His own mountain mine
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Dwarvish

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More Victoricci Blood Spilled

So to kill some time before the siege of Tsinaal, we went to clear a fort in a "neutral" country of Tirel. Before I forget here is a general allies/enemies chart   The Tsinaalian Revolutionary Front, Constitutional Monarchy of Seltens, the PPW and PPQ, Testyr, and Hyseph are are against The Victoricci Empire, Stardom Republic of Ress, Da'Rhude, Restov, Salvador, Sahdyr, and the Gnomecracy.   I have to say I have overreacted on the casino matter. What they did had more good consequences than bad. That does not mean they are in the right, but I can understand their actions. The main thing is that it was BEHIND MY BACK! But I do not think less of any of them as a person. However I feel as though I can trust Halthor with my life, he has not turned against me at all, and even if he commits wrong doings, he does not do it out of evil, but rather out of simple mistakes which we all make. Anyways we cleared the fort in the extremely neutral country of Tirel, who just happens to let the Victorrici on a fort right next to Seltens. I managed to pacify a Wyrmling for now, but I have to work to turn the naturally evil cobalt dragon to a good dragon in spite of its heritage.


Just a few days ago I had to stop Ki-ahi and Burmard from robbing a casino, which lead to a heated argument that almost led to them getting exiled. I only knew this because Halthor informed me of it. Ki ahi seems to despise Halthor for doing this. Which I say this. Don't plan to do things that would look bad if you were caught. Anyways, that was the end of our adventure in casino town. You know, if I had planned it all. But because I didn't, I waited for multiple days for other party members to do stuff in the desert. However, on the last night we were there, Halthor and I got a warning from Zol to go to the casino. Why she did this became clear to us, as inside there was a fight between multiple masked people who appeared to be robbers and werewolves! After we killed the werewolves and tended to the injured, Halthor communed with Zol to find out that Ki-ahi, Burmard, and someone else was behind it! Ki ahi and Burmard are lucky Halthor talked me out of my anger, because I would've shown them the sands and left them there. Then I found out that EVERY MASTER was a part of it or knew of the heist behind my back! This was never a problem when Eric was guildmaster, they seem to think that they can pull this kind of shit and get away with it when I'm in power, they've got another thing coming! It's not strict to say don't rob a casino! I have to say, my open relationships with all of them are still completely fine and we seem to have forgotten it. I haven't. I won't.

We Stopped an Assassination!

So attempting to gain allies against the Victoricci, we have attempted to negotiate with the Constitutional Monarchy of Seltens, they wanted to remain neutral, but Victoricci assassins attacked the king! After a hard-fought battle, we defeated them and the kingdom is now our ally! Also, a Cleric has agreed to resurrect my parents! I just need to get their remains. Also the newcomers of Burmard, Ki-ahi, and Spoon have greatly assisted us in the battle!

Seliana is Gone.

The entire guild has died. I do not know how, but I swear that whoever did this shall die! In better news, we engaged in combat with the PPW against a Victoricci vessel. I killed multiple snipers, and we ended up boarding the ship and taking it! We then negotiated with the PPW, and secured them as allies. We have split up, and half of us are going back to Tsinaal, and half of us went to get Arnathales.

An Unfortunate Day

Well, today I had to kill both Finn and Mike. Finn has turned against us and attacked me, whereas Mike was infected by the virus too far. I am very sad. I do not know how I will break this to Eric. I am struggling for words to describe this. I will merely leave this here. Their bodies will be properly cared for.

Weird Things

Finn was wisked away to the void, much like Eric was, and we went to a weird place in the northeast of Rylqyn. There was some sort of structure there, where only I could enter as it was afflicted with disease, which I am immune to. I managed to disable the disease and we went further in. I ended up in a cave, where I went face-to-face with some weird tentacle creatures who hurt my brain. After the others followed me we defeated them and I realized Mike was missing! Apparently he had been body swapped! After we went deeper in, we found a large brain which had some sort off liquid were Mike was in! After a fight, we managed to defeat it and free Mike and Finn! We are going to free Arnatholes now.

Kakon is Dead!

Today my grandfather, the evil Kakon Tor, the necromancer who wanted to become a lich, has died by my hand! We were going to a keep that Finn had got from the deck of many things, and in it was the evil necromancer Kakon Tor! Today is a good day for all of Rylqyn!

Eliminated the Van Der Linde Gang

We have killed most of the Van Der Linde gang, including their leader Chad Van Der Linde. The battle consisted of me running into fire and murdering the rest of the gang. We also drummed up recruitment from other members of the gang who deserted Chad. I have great hopes for the future, and I have two wishes! My parents are coming back!

Wrath of the Seas

So we got our ship sunk because of a kraken, which I think is dead now, and we have also found a new member of the fifth, Halthor, who is also a servant of Zol. We found another ship on an island which was cursed, however Halthor managed to dispel it. After setting sail, we fought some sort of monsters that attacked us, and went into the next logical place, which is a WHIRLPOOL. I thought that I had sunk two ships in one day, but we ended up meeting Javy Dones, who had the last gem, but he gave it to Wyvl. We managed to negotiate safe passage out of Javy Done’s lair. We are heading back to Tsinaal now.

My Family

I think I have my family tree sorted out by now, at least the important ones and events. It goes: Primo Tor, human druid (1565-1650) Arc Tor, human (1571-1643) their children: Bors (1610-1690) Steven (1601-1619) Steven had no children Bors' children: Faron (1630-1823) Rianda (1672-1812) Sid (1642-1811) Faron's son Toran (1630-1823) His son Offaly, a half elf rogue who infiltrated the guilds of Tsinaal for his own means (1835-1956) Offaly's son Mortis Tor, a human Death Knight. You know who he is. (1870-1972) Mortis' son Kakon Tor, a half-elf wizard who seeked Lichdom. (1909-???) Kakon's Daughter Steph, my mother, a half elf cleric who was a devoted servant of Zol, killed by my greatest enemy. Her husband Boris Tor, my father, a human ranger who lived peacefully in Faedal, also killed by my greatest enemies. And me.

Fight Against a....

So long story short, we helped a man named Santa Claus who Eric seemed to know track down his reindeer, which attacked us and turned out to be a....... thing...... We returned it to Santa, so it's not out problem anymore. We were with a new party member named Aldran Po, who is also a monk and reminds me of Finn, because he is a being of questionable morals. We went to the Pandoran village where he hailed from, and we proceeded to track down what Arnatholes was looking for and then left, after Aldran roundhouse kicked a child and tied another one up. So yeah, questionable morals.

Finn Guilty

Finn has just admitted to being guilty while in the Zone Of Truth, meaning he is very guilty of second degree murder. I will not attempt to break him out, as he is guilty and I do not think his motives are enough to excuse him. He said his dad made a deal with the pirates that raided his village, and that he exchanged Finn, Finn's mom, and Finn's Sister in exchange for his and the town guard's lives. I do not think that is a good reason, as he is trading three lives for the lives of many, and I bet that is what his father thought.

Finn On Trial

Finn's father has died from falling off of the Guildhall, and Finn was the only one that saw it happen. The Vigilant is currently putting him on trial, and I have been asked to testify, whereas Eric and Mike are his defense. It's times like this I miss John, for he could've talked to Finn and comforted him better than anyone else. I do not know if Finn killed his father or not, Eric vouched for him, but he seemed a bit untrustworthy when I talked to him, like he is afraid of me. Me and an old lady were the only witnesses(?) (People that testify, anyway, not sure if witnesses is the right word). She said that Finn murdered his father and she saw it, but I also sensed the prescence of a Fiend on her, so I do not know what to think about her. I hope he is proven innocent, as he is a good person...... WAIT! I JUST REMEMBERED! I HAVE THE ABILITY TO MAKE PEOPLE TELL THE TRUTH! Now just convince the Vigilant of it, and use it on the old Ma'am and Finn.

New Guy

After we rested from killing the golem, we ventured deeper into the dungeon. We went down a spiral staircase and we split up (not a good idea but we didn’t get punished for it) Me, Eric, and Alex went to the right and Finn, Jeff, and Mike went left. We avoided traps and killed a mimic closet with firebolts. We then went into a dining hall and found a few traps, which we disarmed. I found these weird statutes, which I do not know the purpose of. And there was another portal to the inverse realm where Ranger Dave resides. After that we reunited and went into a large room with many pillars, a few being ignited with the same colours that the gems were. Afterwards, we found a journal from an old wizard, which detailed his journey here. Eric managed to find out that the wizard was trapped in a snow globe, which upon destruction freed the wizard. After a period of conversation, he managed to get teleported back to Tsinaal and make a two-way portal to and from the dungeon. I have not gotten very angry at a party member in a while. Hopefully this will continue.

All Over the Place

We have descended deep into the ground as our airship crashed, and we have went deeper into the cavern, where creatures of some sort appear to be following us. We crossed a bridge and then it collapsed afterwards, so whatever was back there, which I cannot identify, are on the other side. We made it in after a discourse with a golem, and then saw an pedestal of some sort, which looked like the artifact fit in it, however it requires more gems in it to power it up completely. One of the golems that we met had one in its head, and we took it out in a hard-fought battle and secured the gem.

Good Fortune

This has been the first day in a while I have not gotten angry at a party member, and we have gotten to the celestial body after a detour due to monsters. We are currently on an airship of some sort, and are going to the Sea Of Stone to cleanse Tsinaal of the mist.


Ok, so there are many people who have had their lives ruined in the mist, right? And we have retaken a Keep from my sworn enemies, I shall raise up many Tsinaalians and make this Keep my new base home! It would be good for the people who have suffered, that they may find purpose, and a smack in the face for the bandits! I will tell them all this ASAP!


After we went from the monastery, we went to two major places, the Celestial body and the Church of The Stars. The Celestial body offered to clear the mist for good, while the Church of the Stars could revive everyone dead in Tsinaal, including all guilds. After much deliberation, we chose the Celestial body, as the mist might claim many outside the city, and Tsinaal is not big enough to sustain them all. Then we bought a cursed ship, which I am thinking how to purge at this very minute, and we sailed to Elspeth to get Eric back, where we saw a destroyed town as we docked, and we followed Finn to an open well, where when I tested it with a firebolt, it was treacherously deep. We had some rope on the Galleon, which we used to get to the bottom, where John proved he was a good friend and capable partner by having darkvision and picking the locks to the door where the object where Eric was trapped in. Along with a WHITE DRAGON! After a pitched battle, we managed to kill it with the help of our new friend, Jeff Carl, who is also a Paladin and seems to be one of my best friends, other than Eric. We gained a monumental amount of monster parts and treasure from the dragon's hoard. It was also weak to fire, which I will attempt to remember. When Eric got back Finn and John drew cards, which lead to an AVATAR OF DEATH swooping in and murdering John. We will always remember him.


Eric has just recently disappeared, and it is the fault of the Deck of Many Things, which we have entrusted to Alex's protection. We then went to the Monastery of the Diamond Heart, where the Thomas, the Sage told us where we could find help for the mist and to get Eric back, either the Church Of The Stars, or the Celestial Body. Interesting, it seems with Eric's absence, I am the team leader, even if Alex is the Co-Guild Leader, which is a position that I will have to get used to.

Ups and Downs

So it took a bit for Teal to auction with the guilds for the artifact, however The Dead Beast's Stare won it for a hefty sum. We were tasked with delivering it to them in the heart of Faedal, my backyard! I enjoyed walking though it and shooting a bandit along the way, where Finn proved himself as a capable Monk, and we found the remnants of the members of the Dead Beast's Stare, which were dead due to the very bandits who killed my parents! We tracked them to a stone keep and John managed to sneak in with little effect, and Finn decided to be EXTREMELY DUMB and try to break though the door like a "Kool Aid Man." I tried to stop him but I failed and we went thought the door, where Finn tried to BARGAIN WITH THEM TO GET BACK>400,000 Gold! I ended up striking him and they were snakes! I got ganged up on and I blacked out. Next thing I know, I was up, with my friends finishing off the remnants of the bandits, and after I apologized, we found the money and went back to Tsinaal, where we had delivered the money to Teal's house, and we delivered the Artifact to the Dead Beast's stare, where we were met with hostility and suspicion. After a bit of time, we found a note in the Guildhouse, which led to us going to house Izzel and finding the leader dead. After a look around the other guildhouses, we went to the Vigilant and found the council dead and a black force leaving the scene....

14th of Priscus 2077

YESSSSS!!! After a slight detour in a mirror dimension,(?) We have successfully gained the artifact after a deep dive in the ruins, fighting traps and spiders, however Alex hit me with a bit of poison spray as he was fighting the spiders, and that led me to passing out! When I woke up, I immediately grabbed him, however Eric calmed me down. We met this weird skeleton head which talked, and I would've instantly smited the Undead Scourge if I was alone! Then we went into the vault, which included the altar that had the artifact on it. However when we tried to disarm it, it failed, and a large Serpent stone construct attacked us! I hit it with the most deadly strike I've ever done, which I think would've killed at least 4 of the Bandits! John also smacked it really good! It didn't expect that! However, it wasn't enough, and we had to bail out. The ruins collapsed on the snake and killed it. It was made of solid gold! We couldn't get it, (It's heavy) but it was every impressive! We managed to get it's diamond eyes and fangs, and left for Tsinaal. Teal gave us our money, and had an immediate second job, where me, Alex, and Eric went to diplomatically communicate with the Guildmasters of Tsinaal about another artifact, which could theoretically clear the mist. The Vigilant, Dead Beast's Stare, and Izzet guilds offered money, and we then prepared the guildhouse for Eric, and I'm preparing for a fight for the Mine!

The First Day of the Artifact Job

I got to that job Teal G Warbucks posted finally. The others with me are as ordered: Eric: Dark Elf Rogue. Seeks to start a fifth guild, seems to be my best ally so far. John: The Gnome that went with me, good cook, that one. Seems completely genuine and a good person, although I don't know what he is, maybe a Fighter? Alex: Pretty chill Artificer, he is a monster hunter, and a good one at that. Finn: The worst, by far. He has a stealing habit, which means he stole things FROM OUR OTHER ADVENTURERS! And it gets worse, he refuses to not steal again on this very journey! I'm never letting him out of my sight! Anyways, we got though a few of the Large Igunana things, where Finn TOOK STUFF FROM THE WAGON THAT WE WERE COMING TO REDENVOUS WITH INSTEAD OF HELPING AGAINST THE MONSTERS! After this we went though the desert with the others and into the Jungle, where we ran into these bugs who turned the others into skeletons! Us five and two others went the other way, and ran into what may be the ruins we were looking for, and we're camping there now. Goodnight.

Interesting Opportunities

When I woke up today I saw a short gnome outside my mine. Thinking he was a bandit, I proceeded to attack him. He claims to be a wandering chef, looking for a place to stay. I told him about a job opportunity I just was given by a man named Teal G. Warbucks. He accepted, and we are heading off now. I can easily play around with any bandits we find in the jungle where Warbucks wants a few people to find an artifact, other than that, I have zero guarantee of success.

An Opportunity

I've received word that a man named Teal G. Warbucks. He needs people to go into the jungles to the west, an area I've never been in. I would have preferred 1000km deep in the spires then 10 metres in the jungle. Oh well. I don't have to go though the forest to get there, I can follow the coast around to the jungle. Hopefully he'll have others joining, as I doubt my ability to travel deep in the jungle. Regardless, this is very fortunate, as I don't think I am enough to properly guard the mine, and maybe I can negotiate with them to get more help. I have enemies on all sides, it's nice to have a friend.

More Raids

Bandits! They're getting more and more aggressive, but I heard that they are based deep in the spires and prefer to raid the trade routes of the city, or the swamp. Makes sense. When you have flat, not very defended land and lots of gold and food, the dwarven towns that are more defended but have great wealth, or me, an angry mountaineer that can navigate the terrain better than any dwarf without much in the way of wealth. They seem to have a medallion, a common mark among them. It consists of a saber illuminated by the crescent moon. Seems they worship a moon deity. Hopefully I can negotiate with the dwarven miners and see what they know.

Stubborn Fools

A lot of bandits attacked today, I managed to count 9, but there was definitely more. I managed to give them a bloody nose by killing 4 of them. I have their corpses here now. Let's see them try to take my mine again!

My Failure

The cougar has escaped me. I had him right on the cliff, yet his cat-like reflexes saved another of his nine lives. But this shall be my moment in the future! I swear, by my parent's teachings, I shall make sure Tsinaal is under my protection, and no one will share Boris and Steph's fate!

Worst Day of My Life

My parents are both dead. Killed by a few lowly bandits. They were lucky I was in shock, or I would've strangled them with my bare hands! I'll track these blights all the way to Tsinaal, and make sure they ALL pay!


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