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Finn Ironstone

Finn Ironstone (a.k.a. Macmissile)

When Finn was born, his family were were living in a far away coastal town.One day when Finn was around the age of 10 Pirates raided his home town, During this raid Finns mother was killed however him and his father were taken prisoner by the pirates and were forced to work aboard the Pirate ship "The Dragons Rose". Finn was stationed above deck and just tended to keep his head down and do what he was told, which included rigging and working the sails. For the first year he was hesitant but after that time he had realized he needed to make the best of his situation. Finns position in the ships crew varied but he did learn very useful sailing sails over the next 4 years. However on Finns 15th Birthday the ship had managed to somehow be sailed into a very big storm, and the captain was washed overboard, Finn seeing an opportunity took the ships wheel and tried his best to keep the ship steady. This didn't really work however since Finn was a 15 year old teen. Finn was the only survivor. A wave had thrown Finn overboard and he had managed to get to a barrel and as He called out as loud as he could as The Dragons Rose sailed away before eventually sinking in the distance. after that Finn passed out and 1 miracle later He had washed up on the coast near the Monastery of Crimson Thought. The monks there took Finn in and cared for him until he fully recovered. Finn's Dream had come true, He had escaped the pirates but it had come at a high price, His father was presumed dead and he had no Idea where he was. Since he had no other place to go Finn decided to stay at the Monastery and Train to take the Trials. For a year Finn trained and trained as hard as he could and On his 16th Birthday He took the trials and passed. After he had completed the first trials he decided to stay a while longer to further his training at the crimson Thought. after another year at the monastery Finn decided it was time to go out and explore this world which He now is a part of. Starting off on his journey he was given the contents of the barrel that he had washed up on (conveniently containing whatever staring equipment I choose) and he set off for Tsinaal. After arriving in Tsinaal he realized that things cost money, and money is something of which he did not have. Finn considered this a problem and set out to fix this problem eventually finding a poster made by someone named Teal. G. Warbucks.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Finn is 5'11" and has a thin slightly muscular physique.

Body Features

Finn doesnt have many features on his body itself however his back is covered in scars from being "whipped into shape" by the pirates.

Facial Features

finn has a fairly chiseled jawline,White braided hair, square nose, prominent eyes.

Identifying Characteristics

The most identifying feature about Finn is his light blue skin, however his eye color is also quite niticable because of the black and blue colouring.

Apparel & Accessories

Shirt: Black sleevless Top poncho type thing Pants: Dark Grey pants with some basic kneepads Shoes: Finn wears a small set of black boots Finn also wears a Blue scarf which similarly matches his skin tone.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When Finn was born, his family were were living in a far away coastal town.One day when Finn was around the age of 10 Pirates raided his home town, During this raid Finns mother was killed however him and his father were taken prisoner by the pirates and were forced to work aboard the Pirate ship "The Dragons Rose". Finn was stationed above deck and just tended to keep his head down and do what he was told, which included rigging and working the sails. For the first year he was hesitant but after that time he had realized he needed to make the best of his situation. Finns position in the ships crew varied but he did learn very useful sailing sails over the next 4 years. However on Finns 15th Birthday the ship had managed to somehow be sailed into a very big storm, and the captain was washed overboard, Finn seeing an opportunity took the ships wheel and tried his best to keep the ship steady. This didn't really work however since Finn was a 15 year old teen. Finn was the only survivor. A wave had thrown Finn overboard and he had managed to get to a barrel and as He called out as loud as he could as The Dragons Rose sailed away before eventually sinking in the distance. after that Finn passed out and 1 miracle later He had washed up on the coast near the Monastery of Crimson Thought. The monks there took Finn in and cared for him until he fully recovered. Finn's Dream had come true, He had escaped the pirates but it had come at a high price, His father was presumed dead and he had no Idea where he was. Since he had no other place to go Finn decided to stay at the Monastery and Train to take the Trials. For a year Finn trained and trained as hard as he could and On his 16th Birthday He took the trials and passed. After he had completed the first trials he decided to stay a while longer to further his training at the crimson Thought. after another year at the monastery Finn decided it was time to go out and explore this world which He now is a part of. Starting off on his journey he was given the contents of the barrel that he had washed up on (conveniently containing whatever staring equipment I choose) and he set off for Tsinaal. After arriving in Tsinaal he realized that things cost money, and money is something of which he did not have. Finn considered this a problem and set out to fix this problem eventually finding a poster made by someone named Teal. G. Warbucks.

Gender Identity








Accomplishments & Achievements


Failures & Embarrassments

Trying to take the wheel of The Dragons Rose and failing completeley.

Mental Trauma

Wathing his mother get executed by pirates, Calling out for rescue when he was trown overboard, Watching the main home he knew sink in the distance, Watching his father sink with said ship.

Intellectual Characteristics


Morality & Philosophy

dont die


Being an orphan, Physical torture, Boats in general

Personality Characteristics



Savvies & Ineptitudes


Likes & Dislikes

Likes:Calm Quiet Areas,     Dislikes:Children Being Harmed on purpose

Vices & Personality flaws

Flaws: Many Mental Traumas, Urge to steal unguarded loot Vices: none

Personality Quirks




Finn Ironstone, Kid turned Pirate Turned monk turned adventurer. both parents dead.

View Character Profile
Short Black Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Blue
160 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
Ive got a jar of dirt.
Known Languages
Common and Primordial

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Entry 11

So, Shit went down.   After drawing from my deck many times there were only like 5 cards left, so I did what any reasonable person would do.   I offered it up to random civillians.   A few people drew and were fine.   Child lebouf drew the Void card and then I drew and got another full Deck.   I offered it to a few more people before we All departed to go clear out my newfound fort. Eric stayed behind and did paperwork.   When we got to the fort, we cleared it out and While the others were looting the old owners corpse, I looted the treasure room and found a bunch of money and a small cube.   I put the cube I my bag of holding and then read a note that was next to it. The note had the word grow on it and I said it and the Magical tower then destroyed my bag of holding and scattered all of my possessions in some otherworldly plane.   After I did this drakon used his wish to help me. (ONLY because all of the altar gem things were in the bag aswell). So after this we headed home and then I decided to draw from the Deck again and got Yeeted into a void similar to Eric's. Some stuff happened and then I was saved. I Think Mike is an illiquid now but idk.   TL:DR The Tower I found almost fucked the party. And the Deck of many things fucked me.   Also: I magically gained a Web URL

Entry 10
3, Ia 2077

I realize that my last entry didn't explain much. But I was in prison because I killed my dad and was convicted guilty because of that A-hole Krakon and his stupid Zone of truth.   But once I broke out of prison he did res me when the Fortnite storm made me go down.   I have now broken out of the prison and rejoined Eric and the gang. We schmoovin' back to Tsinaal and I now need to come up with an Alias to not be arrested immediatley.   As soon as I saw Eric I drew a card from his deck of many things and got a full 24 card version of my own. Everyone drew and this Aldran character got yeeted away.   And really the only other main bad thing which happened was another newbie Halthor drawing the same cards that got both the John's Killed.   Anyways Drakon got some wishes and I now Own a Fort full of monsters to kill   Hopefully we'll go clear that sooner or later.

Prison 1
24th Yull, 2077

Week 1: First Week in Prison, I kinda regret Killing my dad, but then I remember why I did it.   I hope Prison doesn't suck and I can Get out on good behavior.     Week 2: Working in the mines suck because it's full of fucking snad. I hate every second of it because the damn snad Keeps sticking to me.   However I was approved by the warden to start a crossfit club which a few new friends have joined.     Week 3: The crossfit club is a success, I have made some really good friends, and even befriended some of the new inmates which arrived.   Week 4: The newbies roped me into breaking out of here, I'm gonna do that and hopefully go see Eric and let him know I'm okay when the letters stop.

Entry 9
Today's Date

I am writing this Entry as I am on my way to Master Oogway, Whilst in the pyramid Eric found a way deeper into the Structure and we split up to search the complex, In doing so we found a wizard named something or other. He helped us escape the Stone Desert. He also gave us some information about a group of people which may help us to find his home where his notes were. Once there we can find more gems and clear the purple smoke.   I am approaching the Monestary now.

Entry 6
Entry 6 Day

My Mother fucking Father, Why couldn't he have just stayed the fuck down in hell where he belongs.   Okay, some backstory for the unfortunate reader of my journal here, My father is a dick, he sucks and frankly I hope I get to kill his stupid face in the future.   It all started on the day the Pirates raided my town, My mother saw the smoke from the Docks when the pirates first got there, And she got me my father, and my sister and told us what was happening. So me her and my mother All got down into our houses saferoom which my father had made a few weeks prior to the pirates attack. He told us to wait in the saferoom and He'd go with the town guard to fight the pirates, After about 30 minutes the pirates ransacked our house and didn't find us. But an hour later the pirates ripped the saferoom door open and dragged me and my mother and my sister outside. And who was standing there but our father and the remainder of the town guard, And My father said that he would Give me my mother and my sister to the pirates in exchange for his guards release. The pirates "agreed" and they tied me and my sister up but my mother, Tried to fight and was killed on the spot. And so the pirates agreed to their bargain, so they let the guards go, and killed them as they ran. And they dragged me, my sister and my shifty father to their ship where my father was thrown in the brig. And me and my sister were on the top deck and my sister kept crying and crying because she just watched her mother die, and so they threw her overboard. And they forced me to watch as she struggled and eventually drowned. And It's all my father's fault. He tried to justify himself when I was locked in the brig with him but nothing he said made my mother and sister come back.   This story has been told to no one. If your reading this and my father is still alive. The kill the bastard.   And To whomever It may be relevant, If I get any opportunity to kill my father when he's not expecting it. He's gonna get what's coming to him   I am writing this entry Because 1 - I need to vent about my hatred   And 2 - Today would have been my sister's Birthday. She would have turned 13

Entry 8
Yeetle the 4th

Fuck.... Everything Hurts, I haven't been that close to death since the day my Ole ship went down, thankfully There are people in our group that don't hate me enough to leave me for dead. The airship crashed, we walked through the darkness down here for a bit and then crossed a bridge, Alex almost died crossing it. There was a golem which was angry at us for some reason and so we did what any sensible person would do and climbed it and ripped the gem out of its head.   I am resting my body and mind now and our next move is to not die and escape this big pyramid thing we're in

Entry 7
Airship Day

Since I no longer have a will to live with both John's dead, and my dumbfuck father back, I probably won't be writing journals but might as well do one right now. We went and saw the fuckin Celestial body and they said they could clear da Mist but I have doubts, we're going to some sea of stone and I'll probably get killed, but if it comes to that I'm taking dragon with me.   P.s. we're on a big fuck off airship now

Entry 5
The day of John's Demise

I am writing this entry as we are setting sail back to Tsinaal with Eric.   This last week has been a roller coaster, first to recap we gained something called a deck of many things and I drew a card first and got 2 free uses of the spell wish. the first use I used to gain ten thousand gold. that was cool I guess, then Eric drew a card and his soul and body were transported to Elspeth, my home town, and I used my last wish use to locate his soul. great! right? the remaining members of the party: Drakon , Alex, John, a new guy Jeff, and me all unanimously voted to give the totem artifact thing to the group that claim they can destroy the mist. then we set out on a cheap af boat that I got to go save Eric, the voyage to Elspeth was uneventful and when we got there The ruins of my hometown were still as burnt as ever. Hard to think I've only been back here once since I was taken. I went to my old house and I found an old family photos, the day that photo was taken was a good day, unlike the day we saved Eric. everything was fine up un til shorty after we got him. The spell told me Eric's soul was down a well somewhere which John went down, I followed soon after and led to a room, we fought some bat things and went into a cavern which unluckily happened to be inhabited by a dragon. luckily with Jeff there we were able to slay the beast. I managed to collect its soul in the soul horn the merchant gave me. we got some other things but that's not important. whats important is what happened after we left the well. Eric was given his things back and pulled out the deck and asked if anyone wanted to draw any more cards before the deck went away permanently. I drew two, one was the moon card which gave me 3 more Wish uses! and the other told me that a demon had been plaguing my life. So naturally I wished for the demon to be killed and Behold Better john was slain instantly. He was a demon after all this time I still cant wrap my head around it but that wasn't even the worst thing to happen that day. Eric was next. He drew one card and lost all forms of wealth he had. not bad but not good either. and finally Lesser John said and I quote "I'd Like to draw one, I'm gonna be brave" he then drew a card which I wasn't sure what it did and then death itself appeared and demanded a duel which John sadly lost. both of my best friends died and there was nothing I could do about it. so after some long silence I collected his thing and we all went back to the ship in silence. we just set sail and I'm writing this on the bow of the ship and I'm just thinking how easy it'd be to jump of and leave myself for the creatures of the deep. but I know that John would want me to carry on and complete the task we were set to do.....

Entry 4
Today's date Idfk


Entry 3
Today's date Idfk

So, today was a bit awkward, We went to collect some money for Teal and we found out that said money was stolen by some bandits, the same ones that killed Drax's parents methinks. We eventually followed them to some camp thing in a sort of cave i guess, either way I tried to talk it out with them but then Mr big time Prakon was all like "I'm an angwy boi and I'm gowna hurt themz" and then all of us almost died, but we Gucci and survived. We found to money and Some other loot in their base and we will soon head back to town. Hopefully Grugkon won't start any more fights along the way.

Entry 2

After travelling for a while, we finally found the ruins Teal sent us to. Inside we found lots of traps and we even fought some spiders. We got the gem diamond thing. Everyone seems to have fought well when we fought a stone snake thing which turned gold?. Either way once we got out of the ruins we headed to a place where we set up camp, during the night however before I was planning on going to rest, Deryv called out to me and I spent the whole night working through some of my problems, I believe I've finally come to terms with the tragic event of being thrown overboard. I still have some issues to work through but I'll get there.

Entry 1
11 Pricus 2077

Day 1 of being on my own, after I realised I was broke I found a poster about this job by a guy name Teal H. Beltbuckles or something. The Party I'm with is kinda odd, Theres Drakon, Hes a paladino's who is kinda uptight, I do t like him very much. Theres Erin or Eric or something, Hes chill but kinda spooky Theres John, Hes a gnome chef. Not much else to say And then theres alex, There kinda stinky and Spooky, I dont like them very much either.   I still have several Mental traumas but I'll keep up the dumb face I'm wearing to hide the sad.

Bonus Downtime Entry
The down time week idfk

So, I've just been hanging around town with John this past week, I just got word of another job Teal needs us for, So I'm writing this entry whilst heading to that. This week has been pretty uneventful, I bought a chicken to cook for dinner but Me and John became attached and he's a new friend, I named him better John cuz he's just better. I also Picked up some souvenirs from the dragons rose and I got the flags Logk embroidered on a sash which I now wear always. I also bought a chest which my father supposedly left me. So that's interesting.   Thoughts about Party members: Me and the John's have become very close friends over this past few weeks   Truckon seems to not like me very much and seems to have some issues in controlling his emotions   Eric Seems like a nice person but J haven't been able to get to know them very well   And Alex, they just generally seem weird and I don't really like them very much.

The Journey Begins...
Pricus, 11, 2077

I think the title is a bit cringe but kinda neat, Either way today is the day I set out for the city of Tsinaal, I don't know what exactly will happen but I think I'm ready, after passing the trials last year I didn't think I was ready to take on this new world but now I believe I am. Thankfully the monks saved the same barrel that saved my life and the equipment inside so I at least have something going for me.   I have encountered a problem, Things cost money, living costs money, I don't have money so that's a bit of a problem, Hopefully I'll be able to find work is Tsinaal.   After wandering around aimlessly for a while in Tsinall I found a poster with a meeting location on it, The poster says there is some sort of job that needs doing and it will hopefully pay well.

A Whole New World
Pricus, 11, 2075

I woke up in these strange new lands, These nice monks took me in and assisted me in my recovery, The last thing I remember is seeing the ship going down, I don't think Ill ever see the crew or my father again. Thankfully these nice people found me, they said the barrel I had found had some useful equipment in it for starting a journey here, But they also said I could Stay and train at the monastery for " the trials". I think I'm gonna stay for a while and collect my thoughts.   Now I don't want to forget the code, because I think that'll come in handy here, So I'm gonna write it down, Ill probably remember but I don't want to risk it. 1 - Choose your friends wisely, and Make sure to treat them well so they don't stab ye in the back 2 - Any man who falls behind is left behind. 3 - Trading for products fair and square mean the seller can do as they like, including resell at profit. 4 - Killing a surrendered enemy is not allowed. 5 - Surrendering Is Not Allowed under any circumstances (negotiable) 6 - Any person who refuses to serve aboard a pirate's ship must die. (negotiable) Side Note: These Rules aren't a strict code, more like guidelines.

The Day Everything Changed

Pirates were swarming the town, my mother and father were trying to get me to safety when The pirates found us, My mother was killed on the spot, One pistol shot to the head. Her eyes rolled back, Her skin drained of colour, and in that moment All that I felt was Pain.


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