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Stardom Religion

Religion overview

  The church of stardom worships a pantheon of gods, whom collectively created the mortal plane. The head priest of the church speaks as an envoy of the gods to the people, however in recent years has been suspected of corruption, as with many figures in Tsinaal.   Some worship one or two gods, sometimes receiving subtle blessing and boons for their loyalty, and perhaps a place on a gods eternal court, While others worship many gods, praying to Glom before a meal, Yull while in grief, Pricus in a brawl or Kyad when travelling in the night, for examples.    
List of Gods
  Rilin - The Goddess of Deception | Domain: Trickery Rilin has light skin, wearing a flowing black gown with bladed gloves and a bladed headress, covering all of her face but her mouth She weilds her bladed gloves and her acidic magic  
  Deryv - The God of Storms | Domain: Tempest Deryv has a large beard of stormclouds, bald head, lightning veins, chalk skin and glowing lightning- blue eyes. He a simple robe below the waist. He weilds his charged fists, able to unleash great lighting and thunder magic  
  Wir - The Goddess of Rest | Domain : Peace Wir wears a simple white robe with small golden ornements, possesing light skin and long braided blond hair. She weilds a buckler sheild and a spear.  
  Pricus - The God of Action | Domain: War Pricus wears golden spartan armour with red cape and plume. His skin is olive, and he has a small white beard. He weilds a bardiche into martial combat, of which he is uparrallled in skill by the other gods  
  Yull - The God of Ends | Domain: Death Yull wears a simple grey robe, and appears as a light skinned old man with a shaved face, short hair a freindly demeaonor In combat he uses a qaurterstaff, and utilizes a mix of radiant and necrotic spells  
  Ia - The Balance Deity | Domains: Grave, Order Ia wears a simple mouthless white wooden mask, and wears a kimono unernearth light armour and a jinboari. They use a glaive in combat, and utilize the nimble arts of monks  
  Ress - The Goddess of Begginings | Domain: Life Ress wears a simple white flowng robe, she has dark skin and wears a wreath of flowers atop her head of flowing dark hair. Her eyes are a radiant silver She weilds nature and radiant magic in combat  
  Glon - The Harvest Goddess| Domain: Nature Glon wears a light greek dress, with many bronze anklets and bracelts, along with a simple head ornament. She has long chestnut hair, and light skin Glon weilds a shortsword and sheild in combat  
  Eev - The Magika Goddess | Domains: Arcana, Knowledge Eev wears an ebbing umber robe with speckles of magika. She has rgb eyes as well as dark skin and dark dreadlocks In combat, she uses lotsa magic (who woulda guessed)  
  Himmer - The Artisan God | Domain: Forge Himmer wears golden armings and is armed to the teeth with weapons Himmer uses many weapons in combat, but his favourite is Kihn; a magical warhammer that he crafted in partnership with Eev  
  Zol - The Sun Goddess | Domain: Light Zol has a big pointy headress, radient eyes, and a flowing dress. Her skin is light, but covered in patches of char and glow In combat, she uses radient and fire magics.  
  Kyad - The Moon God | Domain: Twilight Kyad wears a cloak of twilight over dark robes and has light skin with a short dark hair and an ornamental blindfold He uses twilight and radiant magic  
    Hectil - He's dead | Hectil wore a cloak structured by dragon wing bones, with a scaled chest piece and gauntlets made from monstrous skulls and on his head he wore the hood of the cloak. His appearance was olive skin with snake like eyes. He had face paint, resembling fangs across his jawline,with red markings under his shadowed eyes

The Planes of Gods

The gods of stardom are permenatly branded into the starry nights as constellations, however, it is told their concievable forms exist on The Upper Plane. Ress, Goddess of Life created this plane in the song of creation, posssing great pastures, medaows and lively forests. Floating around Ress' domains are islands, the claims of her fellow gods.   Kyad's island is encapsuled in a dome of twilight, and within homes a mighty castle, sorrounded by light trees. These trees house Kyad's owls, his way of connecting to the mortal planes.   -Zol's island is a desert gaurded by fire elementals. At the center is a great pyramid, housing her and her many prisoners.   Yull's island is an expansive graveyard, with a small cottage of which he lives. The area is ungaurded, however those that disturb the resting places of the dead are harshly punished   Wir's island is a simple estate with a large garden, populated with psuedodragon caretakers   Pricus island is an eternal gladitorial pit, with the souls of those sworn to him entertaining him and his counsel of genies, in exchange for glory and feast   Ia's island is a cherry forest, housing an oriental palace, gaurded and served by samurai modrons   Himmer's island is a great forge carved into a cliffface, where he and his earth elementals craft legendary weapons, hiding them across the realms in hope for adventurers and heros to find   Glom's islad is a vast vineyard, and within it's mansion her and her counsel dine and fine cuisine and party into infinity   Deryv's island is a tempest ocean. He and his company sail on their longships eternally, relishing in shanties and challenge   Eev's island is a small plain, filled with rivers of pure magical energy, and in the center is a great spiraling tower, her home.   Rilin's island is a bog filled with lime haze. She lives in a small ebony keep, where her and her court watch plays perormed by trapped souls, inundated in their vanity
Manuscript, Religious

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  • 0

    The Song of Beggining
    Life, Birth

    A grand explosion so great filled all of time
      Creating Ress, god of life, and the clocks of our age began to chime
      In her awesome wake she created the upper plane
      A grand meadow of the higher beings, free from storm famine and rain

  • 0


    The Song of Life and Death
    Life, Death

    She then created the material plane, and placed the beasts and fruits upon it
      They were joyous and one, free from conflict
      But as the first hart fell from the grasp of time, the god Yull of deaths emerged from the body
      And to guide the dance between the two, Ia, balance goddess she.

  • 0


    The Song of Sun and Moon
    Celestial / Cosmic

    And Ia realized that the beasts needed day and night
      And so created Zol and Kyad, twins of sun and twilight
      Under the sun's warm glow the first fire would ignite
      And the moon in turn created the oceans and rivers that night

  • 0


    The Song of Sculpting
    Artistic creation

    From the flames emerged Himmer, god of art and craft
      He saw earth was empty and exitedly laughed
      And so he carved the valleys, caves and mountains of the world
      Then withim them by he the diamonds and precious ores of earth were pearled.

  • 0


    The Song of Mortals
    Era beginning/end

    But Ress had looked at the newly formed land   And she reflected that it was empty, and so sacrificed her hand   Thus creating the first civilizations and people, the start of our great song   And Glon, Zol's secondborn taught us how to gather food we so could live long

  • 0


    The Song of Death's Sons
    Disaster / Destruction

    Yull had seen Ress create life, and so gave his eyes, one each for his offspring
      Thus was born Pricus, god of war and Hectil, monster's king
      But they grew bitter of eachother, and eventually a great war was birth   In the end Pricus peirced his kin's heart, and sent fragments of his body scattered in the earth

  • 0


    The Song of Peace and War
    Life, Birth

    Pricus, harbringer of war had brought his conflict to the people of land
      And his mark on the souls of ours is still brand
      But when the dust settled, his conflict had birthed goddess Wir
      She had taken pity on man, and gifted them with rest and peace to balance her father's war

  • 0


    The Song of Magic

    Deryv, storm son of Kyad, had fallen in love with Wir   And so they became paired and had a child, a new god therefore   This created Eev, goddess of magika, and her powers were shared with man   But when man tried to take more of her strength, it created Rilin, goddess of trickery, a being of insanity and vanity


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