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Fenmaer Olafaren Vakas Yinzumin Farbalar

Fenmaer Olafaren Vakas Yinzumin Farbalar

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thin and lithe, Fenmaer is not very strong but he is healthy and very quick on his feet.

Facial Features

Fenmaer has long dark brown hair and a medium cropped beard. He wears the beard to pronounce the fact that he has human heritage. Something that really irks a few individuals.

Apparel & Accessories

Fenmaer is generally seen wearing his studded leather armor with either his personal clothing or wearing his guard uniform.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Fenmaer Olafaren Vakas Yinzumin Farbalar is the bastard son of Calhoun Vakas Naal Farbalar and Melandria Ubica. When he was a young boy, he solely lived with his mother and had a good and happy life. It was a time that he could look upon with great fondness for his mother loved him dearly and doted on him like no other. They lived in a nice apartment above her apothecary where she grew herbs, made concoctions and sold them from her shop. It appeared that people came to her for other things, but that was not something that Fen ever payed attention to as a young boy.   When Fen was still very young his mother came down with a horrible illness. She died a wasting death that lasted several months. The once young, beautiful and vibrant woman became a desiccated husk before the boys very eyes. He was not there at the end, his father had come to take him from witnessing her final painful days. A notion that Fen still does not forgive him for, even if it was to spare him of those final horrific hours.   The young boy was brought to a great mansion where he was met with contempt, disregard, negligence, and in some cases, outright malice. He had several older sisters, most of whom despised him. All but one, Quelanna whom he adored, and she somewhat tolerated him. The young Fen was enamored with his eldest sister’s grace and beauty. Following in their fathers’ footsteps, she was a Paladin, but of a different deity. She was a follower of Melora where their father was a follower of the Raven Queen. Fen had younger sisters as well, which he did get along with, but they were still basically just toddlers and small children to this day.   Worse than all his sisters combined was his stepmother Eleanora, she visibly sneered at him, any time he was in her presence. It was not until he became a teenager that he would realize that he was a walking talking reminder of his father’s infidelity to the woman. It made him understand some of the rudeness that she pushed his way, but it seemed like the woman had a deep hatred for him, which he did not understand.   The young boy found that he was brought to the Farbalar manor for many reasons, the death of his mother being least amongst them. It turned out that Fen was meant to take over for his father, for he was the first-born son, even though he was a bastard. This was an area best suited for his eldest sister he thought, but his thoughts and suggestions fell on deaf ears. The most amusing part of this was that he and his stepmother agreed when it came to this matter, though neither would ever admit just how much they agreed on, for their mutual hatred of each other was palpable.   Due to Fen being half-elven, he grew up at a much faster rate than his sisters, so those who were slightly older and picked on him when he first arrived at the manor, were unable to after just a few years. His childhood at the manor was short lived though, for once he turned ten, almost everything changed. That is when he began his studies and training.   The island that they lived on, Leh’a, had a rich and long history. It was his family’s responsibility to protect the citizens from the other denizens and creatures on the island. For the city of Willowstar was their charge, this was the responsibility that Fen was supposed to take over for his father. Unlike many cities on the Continent, Willowstar welcomed all who wanted a new start, so it was teaming with a multitude of cultures, languages and races.   Fen began his studies on languages, history and the arcane. He also started learning the way of the sword. From none other than one of the butlers of the manor, a half-orc named Destacion. Destacion was well known for his work with light blades, an area that Fen would adhere to well. Though not overtly strong, Fen was lithe, agile, and had a sharp wit. Destcion taught Fen ways of fighting that were erratic like the flight path of a butterfly, until it was time to strike which would be more like the deft thrusting of a hornet’s stinger.   At the age of twenty, young for a half-elf, Fen was conscripted into the guard as a low-ranking officer so he could learn to lead men. It was a hard life with a variety of difficulties to endure, but he took to it well. Fen wanted to be like on of the people who got to go outside the gate, where adventure awaited. Though as a guard, he had his duties. Unless he was assigned to task, he would not be able to do it. Something that angered him, he wanted to learn by doing. Not just sit there and patrol the streets to arrest the occasional drunk.   During the last few years, Fenmaer has spent a little more time with his oldest sister who decided she would help train him to be an officer and to take their fathers place. Fen, on more than on occasion has tried to ask Quelanna to be more assertive in her desire to take over as the family leader. Despite having over a century of experience compared to Fen, she did not want to go against their father. So instead of taking a higher position within the guard itself, Quelanna had started going on more and more missions that took her beyond the gate.   Though these missions were extremely dangerous, the experience one gained when going on them was peerless, so much so that Fen has started to try and find ways where he may be able to go on these types of missions himself. He wants to exemplify himself, not for his family, or the family name. But for himself, so he could have the experience and would feel like he deserved the positions that he was to be thrown in. He did not want any position because of his name, but because of his merit. He wants to earn his way to the top, if that was indeed what he was meant for.


Fen in a great lover of women.


Fenmaer, being part of one of the main houses was educated with the best tutors and teachers available. Both in book learning and with the sword and the bow.


Fenmaer works for the city guard, for which most of his time has been spent training or doing watches. Not the most glorious of tasks. Recently, he has been given permission to enter areas normally restricted. Making his job get a whole lot more interesting ...

Mental Trauma

Though he does not show it outwardly, the loss of his mother devastated him and still affects him today. It does not help that his step mother has a visible hatred for him and has treated him with disdain.

Intellectual Characteristics

Integrity, autonomy, perseverance, and confidence in reason.

Morality & Philosophy

He has a strong moral stance on what is right and what is wrong. He is also known to follow the law, unless it impedes on his morality. He has a strong mind for both liberty and justice.   Philosophically he is both a stoic and a pragmatist.

The prodigal son meant for greatness and meant to rule on the council. Yet, Fenmaer wants nothing of it believing his oldest sister to be the one most deserving of the title.

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Lawful Good
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Elven, Dwarvish, Draconic, Sylvan

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A New Home and More Adventure

I am writing this as we rest outside this temple. The stench of the creatures are still permeating around us, probably the blood. This morning started off rather normal, I decided to change my familiar once again, this time to a flying monkey. I think I am going to stick with the flying monkey for Malavash, who seems to like the form as well. The ability to walk, climb and fly had made him fairly happy with the new versatile form.   Before meeting with the others, I finally decided to get my own place. I still think this may be a waste of money, but if I have them altogether I can keep a better eye on them. Morrighan is not the problem, it is Malien. Quite frankly it is the other two as well. I do not quite understand them, yet ... but I will.

Tangled Webs

Went to sleep without taking my medicine. I have ... never felt a feeling like this before. It is as if the artifact and the dreamscape were at odds. It was hard to really focus on what was going on but I awoke feeling awful. Very uneasy and then there is Malien. There is something about him that is off. If he does not prove himself soon, I may need to ... dispose of him? Wait, what is it that he has done to make me feel like that? Cannot put my finger on it, but there is something there.   I met the others for breakfast again, feeling better I went to the wall where I noticed something off about the mountain. So I decided to use detect magic and my senses were assaulted with a multitude of stimuli that I cannot really put to words. All I know is that there is a whole lot of bad that is going on up there, so it may have to be our next destination.   Later in the day I went to the funeral for Gnarlis, I am so tired of these things. But I will walk through the motions as needed. The funeral went as funerals go. I was a good send off.   As we left the temple, we met someone named Gentle Sparkle, another person that was captured in the paintings done by Lavina Riverlight. In meeting the one known as Sparkle, we decided to address her and bring her to the mansion. Something she was more than happy to do, she is ... spunky? In doing this, she decided to join us and to the mountain we went.   We went to the top of the mountain, seeing a Roc on the way. At the top there was a great orb which Morrighan was able to discern a celestial entity of some type was within. It appears there is an accumulation of power and it is connected to those pillars. That woman must be behind all this.   I was able to pull a sample of the water, which was a purple color, I highly doubt it is water.   I brought this information to the council, but they seemed to already know about the purple water at the top of the mountain, something that really irritates me. If they already know what is going on, then why do they keep sending us out blind?   As we were in the town, we met a friend of Sparkles, Vrahjorn. I do not know what to make of him yet. He is very quiet and introspective.   Soon after that, Elizabeth sent me a message and she sounded troubled. We rushed to her house to find an entity making its way out of one of the twins. So we did our best to pull the creature out and destroy it. I am hoping we were fully successful, but only time will tell.   Thus, our newly found compatriots were willing to follow us to Rivianna's to bring the offering. We went and got gems for the offering to the Dryads, and luckily, I was able to talk them into trading a branch from their tree for the heart shaped gem the druid Aaron Blackwood gave me.   We talked to Rivianna and asked how we should move forward. She told us to go to the islands that surrounded the larger island that we were on. Evidently they have several temples. We need to break the conduits of the seals at these temples, evidently that will piss off Anastasia Demore. In doing this, there should be items, probably artifacts that will aid us against Anastasia and her minions.      

Knowledge and Madness
Night of the 9th day of the 3rd month

I woke up very early this morning, the dream from last night was worrisome. I went ahead and went downstairs to eat a few hard boiled eggs and some assorted fruits, before I left the house and made my way to the council. As I made my way to the council, Malien appeared just ahead of me. So the two of us made our way towards the council chamber to gain access to outside the wall. While waiting for my father to deliberate with the council, Morrighan made her way to the council chamber as well. Father handed me the new pass that allowed me outside the walls, so Malien and I went to the Magic Emporium while Morrighan stayed with my father to converse with him.   I ordered several scrolls and then left to wait for them to be completed. During the wait, I changed Malavash from a large cat to a hummingbird. The three of us, Morrighan, Malien and I went to the Magic Emporium to pick up the scrolls I ordered. I payed for them, then the three of us left to leave the town and entered the forest. Three hours into the journey towards this temple that we were warned about, we were ambushed by several harpies. The three of us were able to dispatch the creatures relatively easily.   We made our way to the temple where we ran into a large tainted tree that had several tainted dryads. We were able to deal with the dryads, by giving them gems to appease them. They allowed us to go into the temple where we found the sphinx, in the process of being tainted. We started by attacking wherever the cone was emanating from at the top of the chamber the sphinx was in. I could here something cracking or breaking like glass, so I looked out where the pillars were and noticed that they were damaged. So I took out a sledge hammer and began smashing the pillars. I ended up handing Morrighan one of my sledge hammers and we destroyed the pillars together. Doing this freed the sphinx who we would learn was known as Rivianna.   Since we were able to free her, she told us she would answer five questions and give us a dangerous artifact if we wanted it. I went straight to saying that I would receive the artifact, no regrets thus far. We asked our five questions. The first was on the artifact and unfortunately, Rivianna did not have much information to give. The Tome for the Raven Queen, which I now know is the Silver Tome of Sealing is in the hands of someone who should not have it, there was also a hint that it this person or entity may be on one of the five smaller islands. We then asked how we could help Mystia. There is a temple on one of the islands (once again very vague) and if we clear it out we will be able to help Mystia, somehow? We also asked how we could save the people strapped to the pillars, there was no beating around the bush on that one, Rivianna stated a hard 'there is no saving them'. Finally, Rivianna stated that she can lift the curse of the unending sleep which will wake everyone, including my sister.   Rivianna transported us back to the town so we went directly to the council. We informed the council about Rivianna, which they seemed to already know about her. With this finding and communicating everything that happened, for the most part. The council is giving us free reign of the island (s). Something I do not think anyone has had in a very long time. I will take the councils warnings to heart though, we must find others to help us with everything that is transpiring. So, we should probably find the other two from the paintings. The fun part is going to be explaining to them what is going on, without freaking them out. Diplomacy is definitely going to be needed.   While Morrighan and I were in the council chamber, Malien was not around, then suddenly appeared, there is something ... untrustworthy about him. As we moved forward, he did supply me with all of the equipment that he did not sell. Strange, is this some kind of game to get me to trust him? I am not sure, but I am definitely going to keep my eye out for him.   I finally got home. Now to take a look at this artifact that Rivianna relinquished to me. Interesting, as I took the artifact out, it hummed and got warm. The small oval stone was a deep dark green with a yellow eye that had a pentagram for the pupil. As I concentrated, it seemed to blink at me and I felt myself go deeper, and deeper, where all kinds of celestial bodies surrounded me in the blackness. I could hear my heart beat, like a massive thump thump, thump thump. Then I heard the voice in my head as it came through. It was delighted that I was somewhat intelligent, the voice felt like, tentacles caressing my brain, probing my thoughts and enhancing both my knowledge and charisma.   Feeling the vast knowledge of this entity, I figured why not, lets try something. So, I asked it a question. One about the Silver Tome of Sealing, the book that Morrighan is after. Evidently, it is dangerous to these Great Old Ones, but it is most dangerous to the one that we seek. After attuning to the artifact and learning about this journal from the Raven Queen, I sat and meditated for a little while. And that is when the inner dialogue started:   "Be careful of your companions, you cannot trust them. Not fully, especially the one know as Malien. He is up to something, something dark and sinister. He is false, a traitor? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. He has been slippery, but has not done anything specifically against us. But why has he been conspiring with that she devil? Something is up, he knows something, he is hiding something. What is it? What is it? What is it? ... I don't know! "

New Enemies New Freedoms
Night of the 8th day of the 3rd month

I met Morrighan the next morning just like we meant to do. We ended up getting quite the large meal. This is when Morrighan and I got to learn a lot more about each other. It appears she has a great hatred for the undead. As a follower of the Raven Queen I am starting to see that she is a bit of a zealot. Though, most people here in the city have a great distaste for necromancy. While I understand it, like Gnarlis, I think some spells might come in handy. Interestingly enough, Gnarlis joined us for the large breakfast.   Morrighan and I enlightened Gnarlis of everything that we had run into. That was when the three of us decided to go to the Demore mansion. We traveled though the tainted district and heard the crying again. We went around the back of the mansion and ran into a banshee. We were able to defeat the creature which did a decent amount of damage to us.   We made our way inside the house, the doors wide open all of a sudden. I nailed them open so we did not have to worry about them easily being closed on us. We searched through the first floor of the house and ran into a ghost dragon or something to that effect. We defeated the creature, which did challenge us greatly, Gnarlis was almost taken out during that fight.   After facing that ghost dragon, we made our way upstairs. There, the specter of Lavina Riverlight hovered around a bunch of covered paintings. Looks like we found the secret studio. As we uncovered the paintings we found that there were multiple paintings of each of us. In the center, hitting multiple points of a pentagram for a total of six different people. The paintings were of me, Gnarlis, Morrighan, the blue eyed man, a Gold Dragonborn and a silver white Tabaxi. Gnarlis became concerned not only with what the painting of him looked like, but unlike the rest of us, there was only one painting of Gnarlis, while there were multiple of the rest of us.   The specter of Lavina Riverlight did confirm her death by a vampire. She was able to describe the vampire as tall, dark haired with purple eyes. Not much to go by, but it was a start. Lavina was adamant that we leave, so that is what we did ... or tried to do. As we left the house, there stood the Tiefling woman, that we now know is the Mistress (like I suspected). Two others stood next to her. The vampire that Lavina described, holding two of my sisters and a Gold Dragonborn, but not the one from the painting.   That is when everything went south. The Mistress killed Gnarlis and the blue eyed guy showed up. The blue eyed guy, Malien has a bit of a mouth on him and knew the Dragonborn whom he called Vornal. The Mistress and the unnamed vampire disappeared suddenly, along with my sisters. Leaving Vornal there to fight us. He seemed powerful so I unsheathed the great sword from Morrighans back and drank the potion of giant strength I had. Unfortunately, Vornal disappeared making it to where I wasted the potion. Then I carried Gnarlis body to Elizabeth's and explained everything that had happened to her. We had a short lesson and she gave me a lot of homework.   When I arrived home, everyone was there, distraught. So I gave them the news, both bad and good. While it was disheartening that both of my sisters were taken by a vampire. We now knew a lot more about our enemies and that they were more physical than we thought. Not this ethereal feeling of despair that was there before.   ---Woke in middle of night after drinking the special tea. I had what I think is a very lucid dream. I saw several pillars, eleven in total. Each of these pillars could hold four people. Seven of the eleven already had four people chained to them. Time seemed to be running out.      

A Better Understanding
Night of the 7th day of the 3rd month

Well, things have gotten even more interesting. Yesterday, I went on a little shopping spree and got a bunch of equipment that will most likely be needed at some point. Unfortunately, there is still more equipment that I need to acquire, I will see what I can figure out. I also got access to that book again, the one with the cult symbol on it that was written in Deep Speech. Had to burn through 3 scrolls to read most of it. It was written very oddly, like it was by someone who was falling into despair and madness, but would then, sporadically, explain things very lucidly.   What I got out of it does not look good. The symbol has to do with creatures known as the Great Old Ones, one in particular was mentioned, referred to as the forgotten one. These creatures are very powerful entities. The book also went to talk about aberrations in some detail. I am not sure the Great Old Ones and the aberrations are connected, but at this point, I would not be surprised. Then the book delves into something that sounds quite familiar and a bit sinister. It started going into the dreams and the nightmares. Then started rambling about something like, "If you hear the call, never sleep", sounds like a bad nursery rhyme.   The book then got extremely incoherent for a while ... but then lucidity came back to whoever the author is and he connects some interesting dots. The island is connected to the Forgotten One. The cult appears to be dedicated to it, and this cult is very old (may be related to the cultists we ran into). Then there is the hint that magic was bestowed upon people, and by none other than Mystia, the goddess that my mother had a Divine Focus for, the one that is around my neck now. If what Gnarlis has hinted at is of any significance, Mystia may be dying, and Morrighan may have been warned of the same. They could be unrelated, but how could all of this be a coincidence. There are just too many correlations.   So, yeah. Yesterday was exhausting. But today was not any better ...   It started when I saw that same wizard figure I saw with Eleanora again (forgot to mention that earlier). It seemed something went wrong at the guardians tower. When I arrived, I saw Morrighan had made her way there also. After noting that my father and others were conversing about what was going on, Morrighan and I took action and ran up the cliff. Thanks to her raven, Morrighan was able to ascertain that Cyntharia had been injured, and that whatever the injury was. We could figure that whatever attacked her had meant to kill her but failed.   When we went back down where my father was, I did a lore dump that left him ... distraught. Granted, there was a lot of concerning events going on, but we were gaining knowledge on it. That knowledge would help us. Who cares if the entity we are talking about is supposed to be unstoppable? It has not been proven, everyone else just failed. Doesn't mean we will, right?   This lead Morrighan and I, since we did not have much better to do, to go back to the Tainted District. It seems like daylight incursions may be the way to go, though that will not help once we get inside any buildings. The Shadow Mastiff's did not seem to pose as much of a threat as first thought, but I think fighting in the sunlight weakened them somehow. Once we defeated the hounds, slightly depleted, but fairly unscathed. We decided to get out of the tainted district and not push our luck. On our way back we were also set upon by some more shadow dragon whelps. That is five we have faced now, I sure hope there is not a dragon nest below the city or something like that.   Now that I think about it, a Shadow Dragon would be capable of injuring Cyntharia. Going to have to bring that up with the others.   I ended up going to dinner at home, Morrighan came as well. She looked pretty good even though she did not dress up all that much. My sisters were reading into something that was not there, but that cannot be helped. In spending this time alone with her, I got to learn a lot more about her. Seems she is starting to trust me. She has been a useful ally so far. However, there is going to be a time that her fervor gets us in trouble, hopefully it does not get us all killed. Of course, between her and Gnarlis, we are set on saving one, maybe two deities. Boy am I going to learn a lot on this journey.   Looks like I will be meeting Morrighan tomorrow at the Turquoise Turtle.    

Revelations and Walls.
6th day of the 3rd month

Last night, I left Elizabeth's to go home. Once home, it hit me. A kind of throbbing in the back of mind, one that made me reach for my rapier with my right hand and my bow with my left. It dawned on me that I would be able to bond with these. More or less becoming one with my weapons. What this all meant and what it would do for me I did not quite know yet. I spent an hour on a ritual, I am not sure what happened exactly, only that I cut myself and I think I ... chanted? It is strange because I was only vaguely aware of what I was doing, almost like instincts took over.   Once all was said and done, I could feel my rapier and bow. I could feel their proximity to me. I left both weapons in my room. I had a feeling, if I needed either, it would be available, no matter where I was. So I decided to leave the house for the day, but then I stopped, noting I was hungry. I went ahead and went to get breakfast. To the cooks astonishment, I decided to take my meal with my family. Everyone was there, which I think surprised all of us. It was very civil as well, I have a hypothesis. Things on the outside are going to shit, so we may be brought closer through the adversity. Just yesterday I was allowed into Eleanora's tower and tomorrow it appears I will be doing the same. Thought maybe I am just being too hopeful, we will see.   That is when I decided to go meet the others at the Turquoise Turtle. Once again, Gnarlis was trying to crawl under the stairway in the Turquoise Turtle. Boxes had been crammed in there, I went to get my big furry friend and we ended up at the bar. He seemed quite depressed, the reason was obvious though, he was soaked and stank to high heaven. Morrighan showed up not much later and we decided to drop Gnarlis off at a bathhouse and let them perform their miracles on him. While Morrighan and I went back to Everdawn's Magic Emporium. Unfortunately, they did not have many of the more utilitarian equipment that I wanted, but I was able to gain access to several scrolls of comprehend languages for when I go to read that book. We went back to get Gnarlis, who looked like he fell into a Fey Wild nightmare concocted by pixies with a penchant for rainbow themes.   As a group, we decided to go back to the tainted district and to go take another look at my mothers old store. Upon entering the tainted district, we once again lost everything we ate before entering. At least, I know I did. We made it to my moms old shop and we were able to find things this time. The most worthy thing of note is my new bag, a bag of holding. I gave the other two the elemental gems that I had. The water elemental gem going to Gnarlis and the fire elemental gem going to Morrighan. With that we decided to leave the shop when we were assaulted by a pair of baby dragons.   It is not something to brag about, but we won. They were vicious little bastards. Though shadow dragons coming out and attacking us is a bit troubling. We followed the different noises that we heard. Whether it was crying, whispering or howling, we moved towards the mansion. Standing before the outer walls of the mansion was a Tiefling woman and one of the cultists, like we had run into within the crypts. I wonder if the Tiefling woman is the same one that was buying Lavina's painting. We quarreled with the Tiefling for a moment after failing miserably to move silently. So, Gnarlis came right out and introduced himself, before we could compose ourselves and come out, he called both Morrighan and me by name. The Tiefling ended up disappearing and leaving, leaving us to fight the cultist who we dispatched with rather quickly.   Gnarlis climbed the wall and noticed a pair of shadow mastiffs. Something we did not want to mess with at the time. So we decided to leave the area for the time being. Gnarlis noted the time and suggested we go back to the Riverlight estate to take a look at Lavina's paintings. They were strange yet interesting. One of the paintings truly looked alive and that was when we were attacked by an aberration known as a dimensional shambler, which we would later learn from Elizabeth.   After we brought the creature to Elizabeth's we decided to call it a night. I was starting to head home when I decided to turn around and take Elizabeth up on her offer to teach me Deep Speech.  

The Tainted District and Pieces of a Puzzle.
Night of the 5th day of the 3rd month.

I had dreams the night before I was to meet the three of them again at the Turquoise Tavern. They were vague, mostly colors distorted as if through glass that is being rained on hard. Everything was fuzzy. Somehow I knew I needed to bring clarity to these dreams. Which is why I have decided not to drink that concoction for a while.   The next day was most eventful. I started by going to meet with Florian Lybloom, my mothers old business partner at his apothecary. We spoke of a few things, I asked if he would be able to acquire any type of medication that would help me bring clarity to the dreams. He told me that he would see what he could do. Since he helped create the concoction for sleep, I figured he would be able to help with this as well.   Next I went to see Elizabeth and my sister. In speaking with her, I let her know that we would want to see the body of Lavina Riverlight, so we could get a better idea of what was going on. I also spent some time with my sister, she seems so ... frail. Not what I am used to. There must be something that I will be able to figure out to help! The last couple days have brought forth a lot of information.   I headed to the wall to check on that little kobold that took over the watch for me. Poor little fellow seemed to be holding in there. So that was good.   Finally, I arrived at the Turquoise tavern where I was to meet my compatriots. Morrighan seemed to appear right as I did, so we entered the building together. We went and took a seat. It was then, that I saw Gnarlis scrunched under the stairwell trying to extract himself. It did not go to well, but he finally did get out of there.   We waited a while for the bard Travian, but he never showed up. So, we took it upon ourselves to look around. We inquired at quite a few different places, only to wind up at the Sapphire Thorn where he had decided to stay. We were given the key to his room, so we went to go look in on him. Unfortunately, like so many others, he had fallen into the same coma that had stricken my sister.   We then went to see Elizabeth as a group. Both to let her know about Travian, something she was very unhappy about, and to see the body of Lavina Riverlight. After some inspection, Elizabeth finally got irritated and told us the cause of death, vampires. This took us all a little by shock. Vampires were not something to be messed with, yet, it looked like that was going to be a part of our mission.   After saying goodbye to Elizabeth, we finally made our way to the Tainted District. As soon as we crossed the threshold, a miasma seemed to bear down on us, making us feel ill, even forcing us to retch. We started by going to my mom's old shop, in hopes that something there might be useful. Unfortunately, the nostalgia hit me too hard and I was unable to investigate very well, my compatriots did not fare any better. Leaving the shop we started to head towards the crypts when we heard voices.   The crypt was creepy, I am not going to lie. Then there were the voices that we could hear within. We made our way through the crypt and were faced by some challenges. There were cultists, zombies, and doors. The doors worst. My combat training helped me do well against flesh and blood. Wood and stone were a different story altogether. Alas, we made our way through, painfully.   The last pair of cultists ended up being a pair or twin elven girls who spoke sylvan. Valina and Vivian. Valina was a little more animated than Vivian and assisted us with some of the locks, it appears she is quite the little rogue. They were not very talkative, but did lead us to a room that was basically an armory. There was also some coin that we distributed amongst each other.   We decided to bring the girls to Elizabeth. First, we decided to bring them by the Turquoise Turtle and get some food in them, as well as ourselves. Gnarlis had the great idea of getting them some ice cream to go. Which also loosened their lips a little. We found that there are more of these cultists outside the wall in a temple several days away. We also know that these cultists are intent on finding something. What that is, we do not know, but this may be a piece of the puzzle, so we are going to investigate.   After that, we headed back to the Turquoise for a drink. Morrighan and Gnarlis got a room. I headed back home to get some sleep after an exhausting day. Once again I decided not to drink the medicine that helps with sleep. This time, I did not dream the spooky dream of blurred images. Instead, my mother came to me. There she was, as beautiful as ever. Sparkling green eyes radiating with a keen intellect, he long red hair curling every which way from her head. She was in refined white robes and it was as if we were back in the apothecary and she was teaching me a lesson. But this time, it seemed different. It was not just a lesson on history or the arcane, but a lesson of how to allow the arcane energy to flow through me. She also alluded to her journal/spellbook. She told me to find it. I think I know where to start ...   That is when I awoke and I instantly understood that it was more than a dream. I knew, because I could feel the arcane energy coursing through my veins. There were also spells floating in my head, almost all of which were destructive in nature. Something I knew would work well for me.   This time I went directly to my companions and we all went to sell the equipment that we did not need as the first part of the morning. That is when we decided it was time to do some investigating. First we went to see Kyler Riverlight to see if he could shed any more light on what had happened to his wife. At first, it did not seem like we would get much information. But then he told us about how she had a secret loft, one we suspect is in the tainted district. That she was working on what she referred to as her best painting. I wonder if she has a patron? As we were about to leave, I asked Kyler for permission to speak with his dead wife, something Elizabeth needed for her order. Kyler gave me a writ of permission to bring to Elizabeth.   That is when we decided to go to my family home, where we started our research in the library. A few hours passed, but we were unable to find anything of use. That is when one of my eldest twin sisters, Celentia, reminded me of where all the good information was. Without thinking about it, I took her up on her offer to trespass into the tower. It is once she disabled the first of many traps and I walked through the front door that I thought better of it. So, we waited for Eleanora to return.   Oddly, we survived. Meaning she was actually somewhat nice - very strange. Though it was kind of nice. She gave us three hours to investigate the tower, just not the top floors. After about two hours, Gnarlis came upon a book that fit exactly what we needed. Unfortunately, it was in a language none of us understood - Deep Speech. Yet, Eleanora knew what the book was and what it represented, but she would not say. There is something strange afoot here, she will let me get access to the book again, so I guess it is incumbent that I learn or gain access to Deep Speech.   We stayed for dinner, all of my sisters were there along with Eleanor, except Queleanna of course, she was still in her bed, in the hospital, in a coma. The dinner went well enough and we all left to see Elisabeth.   We met Elisabeth at the hospital, where she always was. This is when I presented the writ of approval from Kyler. Seeing this, Elisabeth prepared the spell and allowed us five questions to ask of Lavina.   Q1. Where is her hidden studio Q2. Who was going to buy her latest painting Q3. Does she know who killed her Q4. Is the Tiefling woman also the mistress Q5. Do you have any other type of information for us   A1. Lost, broken, hidden - Is this the tainted district? A2. Tiefling woman A3. No A4. Don't know A5. What was lost, has been found Whispering Shadows, mournful cries There your answer lays   Although the information that we got is cryptic, it does shed some light. There has to be more information in that book. Two days and we can get access to it again. Talking with Elisabeth, she has agreed to teach me to speak Deep Speech. Two days is not enough time, though. I need some way to decipher that book. Which is why I think I am going to try and get a couple scrolls of comprehend languages so I can read it.          

The First day, when everything changed.
Night of the 3rd day of the 3rd month.

It all started with me getting off watch. As I was getting a drink, about to order some food, guards came to get me about a prisoner. This is the first of my new companions that I have met. Quite the large and furry type, the Firbolg, Gnarlis seems like a good man. Only time will tell. I also met a Paladin of the Raven Queen. Like many, Morrighan is driven and goal oriented. Almost to the point of being a fanatic. She seems to have her heart in the right place, but I may need to help her slow down a bit. Last is the Bard, Travian. Not sure what to think of the man yet. So far, he is a little annoying, but that seems all surface. I wonder if the loud mouth is just putting up a facade. I am sure he means well, but we will see.   It was odd, we all found ourselves in the Turquoise Turtle. Everyone was eating and drinking, except the bard. I think he was preparing to perform. All I know, is when I next saw him we were dealing with shadows and he was dressed ridiculously. Though, he did wield his rapier somewhat effectively. All I know, is the three stood by me in battle, and for that they have the beginnings of my respect.   The shadows were odd, but what is even more odd is that the council gave us permission to enter the Tainted District. It was too easy, do they want me dead? No, it is more complicated than that. I wonder if we are a last resort with my sister out, they can't be that desperate, can they?   Strangely enough, this motley crew seems to be brought together by fate, mother talked about that, fate. I had always thought that fate and destiny were just concepts that were spoken about. Yet, the Morrighan is after a book that can only be found outside the wall. Yet, to go outside the wall, we need to get solid evidence on what happened to Levina Riverlight from the Tainted District. A prospect Travian seems interested in. Gnarlis, as quiet as he is, seems set on doing this with us, his only answer being that it "feels right". How did I end up with this group? Well, by happenstance.   No matter, tomorrow we go to the Tainted District. But first, I need to go see my moms old co-worker Florian Lybloom to see what it is that he wants. Then, since it has been a while, I will go see my sister, Quelanna along with the Elizabeth, the main doctor. She may know a few things.


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