7th Lancer Wing Organization in Sacred Vesarca | World Anvil
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7th Lancer Wing

The 7th Lancer Wing is a unit of the Habit Inviolable-piloting Lancers of the College of Messengers. Like its fellows in the 8th and 9th Wings, the 7th is a generalist unit, traditionally comprising pilots with well-rounded skills.   Currently, the Wing consists of:
  • Sophia "Sophie" Diantha III, callsign "Riesling," piloting Stella Mk IX
  • Menasseh ov Anbennar, callsign "Mitzel," piloting the Emperor
  • Julian Quinn, callsign "Jewels," piloting Fortuna
The 7th Wing has an illustrious history of success in making war and peace alike. In its current configuration, the wing is famed for:  
  • breaking the Reaver Prince Siege of Tomasef and smashing the enemy fleet in the subsequent Ninth Battle of the Red Cliffs
  • achieving victory over superior rebel forces at the Second Glassing of Imeisru
  • negotiating an end to the bloody revolt of Viscount Avior Gladwin against his liege Piautos Lerant, Duke of Noime
The 7th Wing's patron saint is Boldizar the Merciful ov Odriaft, one of the wing's founding members.   Currently, the wing is deployed to Liadres to put down the miners' revolt there. The wing is responsible for breaching the defenses to establish a beachhead for the forces of Count Alpheratz, as well as for rescuing the Steward-Mayor of the colony, Richling ov Liadres, and the remnants of the garrison under withering enemy attack.

Makers of peace

Military, Special Operations Force
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Parent Organization

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