Crowns Item in Sacred Vesarca | World Anvil
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The Electrum Crown (more commonly, simply Crown) is the official currency of the Kingdom of Sacred Vesarca. Originally minted as an electrum coin, it is now traded predominantly through electronic means. The historical Crown had a value roughly equal to the amount of wheat needed to feed a man for a year, but it has fluctuated like any currency over the millennia.   Now a fiat currency, a modern Electrum Crown coin in actuality contains only a very small portion of electrum. This is the same for each of its lesser denominations. Historically, to ensure that the symbolically important electrum coin was the most valuable of all, Crowns were quite large, while Platinum Sceptres and Gold Swords were substantially smaller.   The Crown is subdivided into a number of lesser dominations, named for the original material and emblem on their face, though they are generally referred to simply by their :  
  • Platinum Sceptres (or Rods), 1/10 of a Crown
  • Gold Swords, 1/100 of a Crown
  • Silver Chalices (or Cups), 1/1,000 of a Crown
  • Bronze Keys, 1/10,000 of a Crown
  • Copper Steeds, 1/100,000 of a Crown (no longer minted and little used due to its low value)
  Crown coins bear the profile, name, and accession year of the reigning monarch at time of minting on one side, and a stamp of the Electrum Crown on the reverse with the text "SACRED VESARCA."   The Royal Mint in Vegaf is responsible for the production of Crown coins.
Item type
Currency & Deeds
Owning Organization

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