Eye of Vesarca Building / Landmark in Sacred Vesarca | World Anvil
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Eye of Vesarca

A massive blue hole in the Pravlaamic Ocean large enough to be seen from space, the Eye of Vesarca was only discovered with the advent of air travel. While most blue holes are near coastal areas, due to the necessity of shallows, the Eye of Vesarca, unusually, is in the remote waters near the center of the ocean. The region around the Eye is noticeably shallower than average, and studies suggest that a small continent existed there when sea levels were lower. The Eye would have formed in this time, and later sunk beneath the waves as global sea levels rose.

While the Eye was discovered late enough in Vesarcan history to have little mythological or folkloric significance, blue eyes are nonetheless said to be lucky; to share an eye color with Sacred Vesarca is a blessing indeed. Fomalhaut I himself was said to be blue of eye.
Natural Wonder
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Owning Organization

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