Prince Aldebaran Character in Sacred Vesarca | World Anvil
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Prince Aldebaran

Prince Aldebaran is the second child of Arcturus XXXVI and Queen Consort Suhail, and therefore second-in-line to the Alabaster Throne and Electrum Crown.   Where his elder sister, Crown Princess Alsephina, is a fighter, Aldebaran is a strategist. A keen student of politics, logistics, and military history, and regarded by many as a genius and prodigy, Aldebaran has been appointed the youngest ever Lord-Marshal of the Royal Legionary Army.   Charming and intelligent, Aldebaran can be nonetheless an intimidating presence; many find his quiet intensity and intellect unnerving one-on-one. He is an avid player of string instruments, favoring the contrabass, as well as a composer, and has conducted and played in many performances across the kingdom.   Aldebaran is well-known for wearing an eye-patch. He lost his left eye in combat at the Third Battle of Lake Yanic during the War of the Sterling Pretenders, while leading an infantry detachment as a captain at the age of just 15.   It is rumored that, despite his love for his sister, he resents her position as heir to the throne, considering her a brute unfit to lead.


Year of Birth
7762 AF 27 Years old
Aligned Organization

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