Rasalas XXIV the Unlikely Character in Sacred Vesarca | World Anvil
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Rasalas XXIV the Unlikely

Rasalas XXIV

The late King of Sacred Vesarca, father of Arcturus XXXV. The fifth child of his father, King Menkalinan X, Rasalas was unlikely to become king. However, his elder siblings each met with misfortune. His eldest sister died in battle in the Whitestone Rebellion, and his eldest brother went mad with grief shortly after. The third of Menkalinan X's children, a son, was murdered by his wife when he discovered her infidelity with a knight. The fourth daughter was disinherited without explanation at the command of the Menhir of Fomalhaut, leaving Rasalas as the sole heir.   Historians regard him as a wise and just king, and the misfortune of his siblings is quietly believed by many to have been for the best. He died peacefully of old age at 103.


Current Status
7666 AF 7769 AF 103 years old
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