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"In the ebb and flow of the lunar tide, Saera becomes a realm caught in a perpetual struggle between the celestial forces that shape it and the resilience of its people who dare to defy the madness."
  In the realm of Saera, the celestial phenomenon known as Deirveda describes the effects and influence of one of Saera's moons, Mekhar on the world. Originally the Deirveda would only occur during the moon's final phase, however, with the advent of the second Aetherfall, these events occur irregularly as the moon progresses through its phases, affecting the inhabitants and the environment. However, when the moon eclipses the sun, a rare occurrence known as a Wicked Moon, the effects of Deirveda intensify, taking on a more malevolent and potent nature.   During typical Deirveda events, the phases of the moon bring about a range of effects, such as heightened magical abilities, emotional fluctuations, and the stirring of mystical forces. The wakening and slumbering of the moon amplify these effects, impacting the sanity, magic, and even the physical environment of Saera. It is a cyclical occurrence, with each phase of the moon bringing its own unique influences.   However, when a Wicked Moon takes place, the moon's eclipse of the sun creates a rare and sinister alignment of celestial energies. The confluence of these two powerful celestial bodies amplifies the effects of Deirveda to unprecedented levels. The moon's corrupted shadow cast upon the world enhances the malevolent aspects of its influence.   During a Wicked Moon, the inhabitants of Saera face intensified madness, chaos, and cataclysmic events. The minds of individuals are more susceptible to the moon's influence, resulting in heightened insanity and psychological disturbances. The boundaries between reality and illusion blur, leading to widespread delusions and hallucinations.   In addition to the mental toll, the physical world bears the brunt of the moon's amplified power. Natural disasters become more frequent and devastating. Storms rage with unmatched fury, earthquakes shake the land with greater intensity, and the very fabric of reality can warp and crack under the strain of the moon's corrupted presence.   The Wicked Moon becomes a time of great peril and darkness for the inhabitants of Saera. It is a period where the malevolent forces unleashed by the eclipse reach their peak, wreaking havoc and testing the resilience of both individuals and societies. Surviving a Wicked Moon becomes a matter of great courage, resourcefulness, and the ability to endure the relentless onslaught of madness and destruction.   Ultimately, the occurrence of a Wicked Moon during the Deirveda events serves as a chilling reminder of the precarious balance between celestial forces and the fragile nature of Saera's world. It is a time when the moon's malevolent gaze casts a shadow over the land, leaving its inhabitants to confront their darkest fears and fight against the encroaching tide of chaos.  
by EmperorDrako via Playground AI

Magical effects

  The magical abilities of lunar magi are intricately tied to the phases of the moon, while blood mages experience a suppression of their powers during these lunar cycles. This phenomenon can be attributed to the unique nature of the moon's influence on different types of magic and the inherent properties of lunar and blood magic.   Lunar mages possess an inherent affinity for the moon's energy, which intensifies with each phase. As the moon progresses through its cycle, the magical currents become infused with heightened lunar power. Lunar magi, attuned to this celestial energy, are able to draw upon it, amplifying their magical abilities. The waxing and waning of the moon enhances their spells, granting them greater control, potency, and insight.   On the other hand, blood magic draws its strength from life force and primal energies. Blood magi tap into the raw essence of their own or others' life forces to fuel their spells. However, the lunar energy present during the moon's phases interferes with this delicate balance. The moon's influence disrupts the connection between blood mages and the life force they rely on, causing their powers to be suppressed and weakened. It's as if the moon's presence creates a barrier, inhibiting the flow of vital energies that blood magic requires. This contrasting effect can be attributed to the inherent nature of lunar and blood magic. Lunar magic aligns closely with celestial and ethereal energies, while blood magic is deeply rooted in primal and earthly forces. The moon's influence amplifies one and dampens the other, creating a stark contrast in how these types of magic are affected.   In Saera, this duality of magical influence sets lunar mages on a path of ascendance during the phases of the moon, while blood mages must navigate the challenges and limitations imposed by the lunar cycle. It is through this interplay between lunar and blood magic that the balance of power and the intricate nature of magical abilities unfold in the realm.  

Effects on Lunar Magi

"Beware the haunting allure of the moon's phases, for within them lies both the key to immense power and the gateway to overwhelming chaos."
  where the phases of the moon hold immense power, mages and practitioners of magic find themselves both blessed and cursed by the lunar influence. The moon's phases affect mages in unique ways, amplifying their abilities while also exposing them to heightened risks and challenges. The phases of the moon are in order the Slumbering Eye, Waking/Weary Eye, Fettered Eye, Awakened Gaze, and Full Gaze.  
During the Slumbering Eye phase, when the moon's light is absent, lunar mages often experience a dampening of their magical prowess. The flow of arcane energy becomes unpredictable and erratic, making it difficult for mages to channel and control their spells. Casting complex or powerful magic becomes more challenging, resulting in spells that are weaker or fail altogether. This phase is a time of reflection and introspection for lunar magi, as they seek to find balance within themselves and recalibrate their connection to the magical forces.   As the moon transitions to its Fettered Eye phase, mages find their magical abilities gradually rekindling. The lunar energy begins to infuse their spells, augmenting their power and precision. Spells become more potent, and mages can tap into reservoirs of energy that were previously inaccessible. However, this phase also brings a heightened sensitivity to the chaotic fluctuations in the magical currents, making it necessary for mages to exercise caution and control to prevent spells from spiraling out of hand.   With the Awakened Gaze phase, mages experience a surge of magical prowess. The lunar energy reaches its peak, and mages can harness it with unprecedented strength and precision. Spells become exceptionally powerful, capable of bending reality and reshaping the elements. Mages find their creativity and intuition heightened, enabling them to experiment with new spells and magical techniques. However, the increased power comes with risks. The volatile magical energy of this phase is prone to instability, and mages must exercise great discipline and concentration to prevent uncontrollable surges that could harm both themselves and their surroundings.
by EmperorDrako via Playground AI
  During the Full Gaze phase, the moon's influence on mages reaches its zenith. They become conduits for raw and untamed magic, their spells resonating with an overwhelming force. Mages can tap into the deepest wells of arcane power, allowing them to perform feats of incredible magic and unleash devastating spells. However, the immense power comes at a cost. Mages find it challenging to control the overwhelming influx of energy, and spells can easily spiral out of control, causing unintended collateral damage. The heightened magical energy can also amplify emotions and mental states, pushing mages closer to the brink of madness.   As the moon slumbers, the effects on mages gradually diminish. The Fettered Gaze and Weary Eye phases allow for a smoother transition, with mages retaining some of the heightened abilities while regaining control over their magic. During the Slumbering Eye phase, mages once again experience a temporary dampening of their magical powers before the cycle begins anew.   The phases of the moon in Saera provide both opportunities and challenges for mages, allowing them to tap into potent magic but also demanding great discipline and control. Mages must learn to harness the lunar energies to their advantage while remaining vigilant of the risks and maintaining a delicate balance between power and restraint.  

Of Fragile Minds

"On Saera, the phases of the moon become a symphony of insanity, where minds shatter and cities crumble under the weight of lunar cataclysms."
  the celestial dance of the moon takes on a much more sinister role than mere illumination of the night sky. The phases of the moon hold a mysterious power that ebbs and flows, causing varying degrees of cataclysmic effects on the inhabitants of the realm. As the lunar cycle progresses, each phase heralds a unique and escalating threat to the sanity and well-being of the people. These effects are not limited to individuals but can also manifest on a larger scale, affecting entire communities or regions.  
During the Waking/Weary Eye phase, an eerie calm envelops the land. The absence of the moon's radiant light plunges Saera into darkness, and a subtle sense of unease creeps over its inhabitants. Some individuals, particularly those who possess a sensitive disposition, begin to experience strange dreams and unsettling visions. Shadows seem to grow longer and more menacing, whispering ominous secrets into the ears of those who listen too closely.   As Mekhar transitions to its Fettered Eye phase, the effects become more pronounced. The dreams that once seemed ephemeral now invade the waking world, blurring the lines between reality and nightmare. People find their thoughts plagued by intrusive and disturbing imagery, leading to sleep deprivation and paranoia. The influence of the moon amplifies the existing fears and anxieties within the minds of the populace, sowing discord and confusion.   With the Awakened Gaze phase, the manifestations escalate further. Insanity begins to take hold, and individuals exhibit increasingly erratic behavior. Some lose touch with reality entirely, their minds shattered by the relentless assault of lunar-induced madness. The once-thriving cities and towns descend into chaos as violent outbursts and acts of self-destruction become distressingly common. The land becomes a desolate and dangerous place, where the very fabric of society begins to unravel.
by EmperorDrako via Playground AI
  Finally, the Full Gaze phase arrives, bringing with it the peak of lunar influence. Madness runs rampant, reaching a crescendo of cataclysmic proportions. The moon's radiant light intensifies, illuminating the darkest corners of Saera's inhabitants' minds. Sanity becomes a precious commodity, as hallucinations, delusions, and fits of uncontrollable rage grip the population. Communities crumble under the weight of this collective descent into madness, with wars, cannibalism, and unspeakable acts becoming commonplace. The land itself seems cursed, with twisted creatures and malevolent spirits roaming freely.   However, just as the moon wanes, so too do the effects on the inhabitants of Saera. As the phases revert to their earlier stages, a gradual return to normalcy occurs. The grip of insanity loosens, and the shattered remnants of society gather strength once more, rebuilding and recovering from the ravages of the lunar cycle. Until, of course, the inevitable return of the Waking Eye and the eerie cycle of madness recommences.   Thus, on Saera, the phases of the moon serve as an ever-looming reminder of the fragility of sanity and the cyclical nature of catastrophe, forever shaping the lives of Saera's people.  

A World Scarred

"As the moon wakens and slumbers, the tides of madness and destruction surge, forever shaping our world with its cataclysmic embrace."
  in addition to the effects on individuals' sanity, the phases of the moon in Saera can also unleash cataclysmic forces that wreak havoc on the physical world. As the moon progresses through its phases, its influence intensifies, leading to destructive consequences on an unprecedented scale.   During the Waking/Weary Eye phase, a subtle yet foreboding energy seeps into the land. The absence of moonlight creates an eerie stillness, and rumors circulate of strange phenomena occurring in the darkest corners of Saera. Whispers speak of buildings collapsing overnight, as if crushed by invisible forces, and unexplained sinkholes swallowing entire sections of the land. The tides turn tumultuous, and coastal towns face the wrath of powerful storms and massive tidal waves that surge from the depths.   As the moon transitions to its Fettered Eye phase, the effects on the physical world grow more pronounced. Unstable geology becomes the norm, with earthquakes shaking the ground at unpredictable intervals, cracking open the earth, and shattering city foundations. Entire landscapes warp and contort, mountains rearranging themselves and rivers changing their courses overnight. The very fabric of reality seems distorted, with pockets of space and time-bending and overlapping, making navigation treacherous and teleportation perilous.   With the Awakened Gaze phase, the cataclysmic forces reach their peak. The land itself rebels against its inhabitants. Volcanoes erupt with ferocity, spewing forth rivers of molten rock and toxic gases that consume towns and villages. Enormous chasms open up, swallowing vast stretches of the land and leaving behind bottomless abysses. The moon's influence seems to awaken dormant magical energies in the environment, causing wild and uncontrolled elemental storms, where fire, lightning, and tempests collide, decimating entire regions.   Finally, during the Full Gaze phase, the destructive power unleashed by Mekhar is at its most terrifying. Saera experiences unparalleled devastation. City-destroying earthquakes rock the land, reducing once-thriving metropolises to piles of rubble. Enormous tidal waves surge inland, swallowing coastal cities and flooding vast areas. The very essence of magic grows unstable, causing cataclysmic surges that incinerate forests, freeze lakes solid, or poison fertile lands. Entire landmasses twist and warp as if the very foundations of reality are unraveling.   As the moon's influence wanes, the cataclysmic forces gradually subside, and the shattered remnants of Saera's civilization strive to rebuild amid the ruins left in the wake of the lunar cycle. The resilience of its people is tested, as they learn to adapt to the ever-changing landscape and harness the remaining magic to restore balance to their world. Until, of course, the next cycle begins, and the phases of the moon once again herald a new wave of destruction and transformation.   Thus, the phases of the moon Mekhar not only wreak havoc on the sanity of Saera's inhabitants but also reshape the physical realm, leaving behind a scarred and ever-evolving landscape where the forces of destruction and creation are inextricably intertwined.  
"As the Deirveda grip our world in their relentless embrace, we can't help but question why the gods remain distant, seemingly unmoved by the madness that unfolds beneath their watchful eyes."
by EmperorDrako via Playground AI

A Gaze Divine

(A Mekhari Chant)
(Verse 1) Beneath the Slumbering Eye, shadows stir, A realm awakens, a world unsure. In darkness veiled, secrets lie, The moon's slumbering gaze fills the sky.   (Chorus) Oh, the Slumbering Eye casts its somber spell, In dreams and whispers, mysteries dwell. A hushed embrace, a realm in awe, As the moon's quiet gaze begins to draw.   (Verse 2) The Waking Eye opens wide and bright, Illuminating the realm with lunar light. Awakening magic, hearts alight, In its radiant gaze, we find our might.   (Chorus) Oh, the Waking Eye, a beacon divine, Guiding mages with power they entwine. A dance of wonders, a mystical chance, As the moon's watchful gaze enhances.   (Bridge) The Fettered Gaze, a balance held, A delicate realm, in twilight dwelled. Between light and dark, we find our way, As the moon's ethereal eye holds sway.   (Chorus) Oh, the fettered Gaze, a twilight's dance, A realm betwixt, in a delicate trance. Whispers echo, as magic aligns, In the moon's fettered gaze, power combines.   (Verse 3) The Full Gaze, a radiant sight, Unleashing forces, both dark and bright. Madness trembles in its potent glow, As the moon's full gaze starts to show.   (Chorus) Oh, the Full Gaze, a tempest's call, Casting its spell, affecting us all. Sanity wavers, as chaos unfolds, In the moon's full gaze, mysteries untold.   (Outro) The phases of the moon, an ancient tale, The Slumbering Eye, Waking Eye, never stale. The fettered Gaze and Full Gaze, their story weaves, In Saera's realm, where magic believes.
Metaphysical, Supernatural

The Eye Of Evil

(Verse 1) In Saera's realm, an eerie lore unfurls, The moon, a malevolent eye, it hurls. A deity's gaze, dark and profound, Casting shadows, fears unbound.   (Chorus) Oh, the Eye of Evil, a lunar gaze, A god's wicked sight, our souls it preys. Beware the moon's gaze, its chilling embrace, In its piercing eye, darkness finds its place.   (Verse 2) From ancient tales, the whispers grow, The eye of an evil god, a fearsome woe. Its radiance masks a sinister might, Casting curses upon the fateful night.   (Chorus) Oh, the Eye of Evil, a lunar gaze, A god's wicked sight, our souls it preys. Beware the moon's gaze, its chilling embrace, In its piercing eye, darkness finds its place.   (Bridge) Legends speak of its unholy reign, A realm ensnared in its malevolent chain. Mages tremble, their powers suppressed, In the Eye's presence, they're but possessed.   (Chorus) Oh, the Eye of Evil, a lunar gaze, A god's wicked sight, our souls it preys. Beware the moon's gaze, its chilling embrace, In its piercing eye, darkness finds its place.   (Verse 3) Yet amidst the dread, a glimmer may arise, A flicker of hope beneath the moonlit skies. Courageous hearts, they stand to defy, The evil eye's power, they'll nullify.   (Chorus) Oh, the Eye of Evil, a lunar gaze, A god's wicked sight, our souls it preys. Beware the moon's gaze, its chilling embrace, In its piercing eye, darkness finds its place.   (Outro) In Saera's realm, the moon's eye glows, A symbol of fear, yet hope it bestows. For in the face of evil's relentless plight, Heroes shall rise, embracing the light.

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Cover image: by EmperorDrako via Playground AI


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