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Valutars' Rest

Valutar's Rest is a place of great significance in the lore of Saera. It is the peak of the highest mountain on the planet, known as the God Heights, and it is where the Godhead Valutar chose to descend and establish a presence after the Drakonis' War of Liberation. This event marked the first time Valutar returned to Saera since the world's creation, which occurred millennia ago.   The backdrop of Valutar's Rest is the aftermath of the destructive Drakonis' War of Liberation. Witnessing the widespread carnage caused by the conflict, Valutar took decisive action against the "lesser" gods who had become embroiled in the war. These gods were banished to their own realms and forbidden from ever setting foot on Saera again, effectively removing their influence from the world.   Furthermore, the dragons, who had shirked their duties during the war, were deemed unworthy of their purpose. Valutar stripped them of their divine responsibilities and instead bestowed those duties upon nine mortals, known as the Godr Ra. These chosen individuals now bear the weight of divine power and responsibility that the dragons once held.   Having meted out these punishments, Valutar then placed his avatar at the peak of the God Heights to keep watch over the events of Saera. Despite its imposing presence, the titan's gaze has never turned towards any of the world's plights, not even those that could lead to its end. Instead, Valutar's Rest stands as a silent, ever-vigilant sentinel, warding over the unknown and keeping watch for something unknown.   The exact nature of what Valutar's avatar watches for remains a mystery to the inhabitants of Saera. It is a symbol of divine power and a constant reminder of the consequences of conflict and hubris. The presence of Valutar's Rest serves as a testament to the gods' potential intervention and the importance of mortals' actions in shaping the world's destiny. The location has become a place of awe and reverence, and pilgrims and seekers of knowledge often journey to the God Heights, hoping to catch a glimpse of the enigmatic titan's resting place.     However, one day Valutar's avatar turned his head east towards the city of Drakenhold on the day of the Drakon twins' birth.

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Cover image: by EmperorDrako via Playground AI


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