Wyrmic Spell Casting [WASC2020]

The wear make language was the language spoken of by the dragons of saga dorm.   The knowledge of this language was nearly lost with the death of Sue required, the last Dragon. He died at the hands of Vola in the year 625 BCE. In the transference of the draconic power into Vola, who became the first human to be able to perform magics, i.e.a ferry, she also receive all of the intellectual knowledge of the dragons.   The fairies of saga dorm perform magic in a couple of different ways. The first is a sign language where their fingers move in specific patterns to cast a spell. This is an imitation of the clause of Sue the Clark who was able to use his feet to cast the magic. As humans and fairies have more fingers and greater dexterity, they are able to perform more intricate magics than the dragons but there was a lot of trial and error required to fine-tune the different spells.   Another way of performing magic is to use incantations that verbalize the spell being created. A weaker form of this magic can be used in the native tongue of the ferry. However the most powerful version of this spellcasting is when using the where Mick language.   This language is documented in a book, written by Vola, called "the lost sacred text of Sue the Clark." This is the only known written copy of the wire Vern language. It is kept sacred from all other magical practitioners because of the potency of the magic that can be released when speaking in this lost tongue.   Only the most trusted of the fairies, meaning the chancellors of the elemental sects, were taught the the wire Vern phrases to certain spells.   Prior to Vola's death, she devised a new spell that would allow her to transfer the knowledge she obtained from Sue required to another person. She repeated the spell five times, once for each of the five chancellors of the elemental sects: metal, fire, air, water, earth. There was a limitation in the spell that she used in transferring the knowledge of the dragons. To prevent unauthorized dissemination of this information all future chancellors must be in a group of at least three to cast the spell as a group ritual to bestow the knowledge onto a Chancellor. This pattern was repeated as it went forward when a Chancellor passed away and was replaced.


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