
  Sharn is one of the major Cities on Sakharya, and is known by many names: The City in the Sky, the City of Towers, The Obsidian Spire, The City of Lost Souls, the Gateway to Heaven- and those are just the most prominent.   On grounds blackened by generations of warfare, a vertically constructed city, created for defense juts up from the center of the continent of Khorvaire. This layered city is the work of generations, and sits on the bones of its predecessor. It appears from afar as nothing but a spire, but within the layers stratify those inhabitants, and only in times of dire peril are these layers breached. Above it, suspended impossibly, are islands in the skies, overlooking the stationary spire, held in place by magic and the elemental patron of the city.   The city inspires a range of emotions, depending on the perspective of the viewer. It's architecture and the pervasive magic that holds the entire thing together, the bustling activity of its numerous towers, the tremendous array of cultural, culinary, and commercial delights it offers, the majestic skyships that leave it's aerial ports and the proximity to the edge of the world and the wastes there draw pilgrims and travelers from around the world. Its crme rates, the debauchery offered among its many entertainments, the well known corruption of its leaders and the dependency on the flowing of money through moral and amoral pursuits and the threat of ancient magics in it's basal spire provoke fear and censure from those of a less adventurous spirit.   Though not the most important city in political or economic fashion, it is nevertheless a hotbed of activity, intrigue and conspiracy, and an ideal place for adventures in Overworld to be set.


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