Three Islands

As you round the next bend, you see an enormously tall double-door gate blocking the rest of the ravine. Fifty feet high. The metal bars are shaped into the design of an animal's body that snakes up the left door and down the right, with flamboyant fins shooting off, and ending in some kind of animal head about eye-level. Into the open spaces between the bars are set panes of glass, stained a faded green on the animal's body, although many of them are broken. Through the glass, you can see four padlocks on the other side.   Down the center of the gorge is laid out a long courtyard in carved limestone. Raised a few steps on either side, shops and official buildings line the gorge walls. Terraced apartments for the population rise above those. Trees, however, have sprouted and been growing here for quite a while. Their roots break through walls and ceilings in the buildings, and crack the courtyard. Vines choke the doorways and windows and carpet the ground.   Overhead, you see huge panes where the glass is either cracked or completely gone.


Three tribes, each from a different Nornian island, took refuge at Sakiel Norn. The original islands were:
  • Asai Norn ("The Wise Hands of Norn")
  • Nihm Norn ("The Sacred Secret of Norn")
  • Koloss Norn ("The Strong Ships of Norn")


The settlement was run by 6 village elders, not including Napaysha. As the settlement was home to refugees from three Nornian islands, each island's community was allowed an elder to represent them. Another elder represented the craft guilds, another the hunters and cultivators, another the scholars and island engineers.


While the settlement is nestled away from sight inside the gorge and the entrance to the gorge is protected by a gate, the village has no other defenses because, since the entire island was engineered to only be afloat for a short period of time, it wasn't meant to need any other defense.


Founding Date
Designed to support a population up to 300 people
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank