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Gatekeepers of the Underworld

The Gatekeepers are a type of demon, that guard the Gates of Waumin, the passages to the Underworld. Their purpose is to keep the gates secret and safe, and prevent any living mortals from entering the land of the dead. They answer to Ulalte, the Lord of the Underworld, who alone can decide who is allowed to enter his realm.  

Appearance & Equipment

They are manifestations of darkness, barely visible shadow creatures. Their presence can extinguish any normal lights. They are armed with bone clubs, that they use to kill any mortals that try to pass through.   The Gatekeepers are afraid of the Stone Giants, because it is thought that they posses blades of greystone, that are capable of permanently killing any soul, even the undead demons Ulalte.  

In Mythology

In Ásinnár's Journey to the Underworld, Ásinnár manages to pass through the gates, because she is protected by the gifts of the heavenly gods. She has the light of the Sun God Naralte to guide her way. The demons try to kill her, but Áfawarsal, the Weaver of Destiny, gave her an invisible mantle to protect her from the clubs of the demons. Finally the demons treat, because they hear the approaching Giants that are looking for Ásinnár, and thus she manages to sneak into the Underworld unharmed.
Why have you come to the Gates, mortal? Who passes through, he is destined to die. His mouth is clay, his soul belongs to Ulalte!


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Aug 12, 2024 17:59 by Marjorie Ariel

I like the myth about Asinnar manages to sneak into the underworld.