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From village teens with swords to guild-certified master mages, the field of adventuring is as vast as Samarya itself. Some pick up local quests to help the community and make a few coins on the side, others seek out the deadliest of jobs for the thrill.



Anyone and everyone can become an adventurer, though one's reputation, equipment, and charisma all affect who may trust you with what tasks.   Guilds are formed to centralize the adventurer hiring process in a region, with quest difficulty being ranked from C to S tier. Guild members have a ranking assigned to them based on completed quests.



In an economy dependent on cross-continental trade, adventurers are needed everywhere. Some are hired to protect traveling caravans, others clear out monster infestations in local regions, others still gather rare resources in treacherous areas.

Social Status

Skilled adventurers are well valued and respected, though as a career choice, it is typically reserved for the middle and lower classes.


Dangers & Hazards

C H A R A C T E R  D E A T H
Public Services
Adventurers and all quests they perform are expected to abide by the laws of a region. Reporting unlawful quests can often earn a small reward from local enforcement.

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