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Creation of the World

In the beginning, there was naught but the light of Bahamut. Whilst he enjoyed his own will, he longed for others to spend it with. And so, he spread his long metallic wings from one end of the cosmos to the other. He then sang the First Wish. He molded from his divinity into the Celestials above, granting them dominion of swords, into the Leviathans below, granting them the dominion of shields, into the Archaic Dragons, and granted them the dominion of magic. Together, they sang the Second Wish.   However, five chromatic matron dragons whose names were long forgotten took a vengeful glare at their maker, for not giving them the full extent of his power. And so they rebelled against him and sang a discordant melody to assume power over their creator. When Bahamut heard this change in the song, he altered his initial tune to incorporate the new music. When the Second Wish finished, he showed his children their creation, and with this act of mercy, he brought forth from the void land upon which to stand on, water in which to bathe in, and trees in which to rest with, the beautiful land of Issylra. However, upon closer inspection, the children noticed some deformities in the land. Active volcanoes spewing toxins into the air, giant waves crashing against an innocent shore, and diseases rampaging countless creatures. This was without doubt caused by the wicked ones. Citing how they take comfort in each other more than him, he bound them together for eternity and cast them into the deepest pit of the Inferno. There they festered like a cancerous amalgam, growing and seething into the Devilish Queen of Tyrants, Tiamat.   Bahamut then sent his children into the world, and as they left he sang his Greatest Wish. And with this act of freedom, he brought forth the races of man, dwarf, and elf.

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