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Order of the Raven Queen

The keepers of the Raven Queen's Chapel.

Divine Origins

In draconic lore, the Raven Queen was struck down by the Prime Deities, but was resurrected by Bahamut, for dying a Betrayer was not her Fate. In experiencing death for fourteen days, the Raven Queen became enlightened. Her newfound beliefs form the foundation of the Order of the Raven Queen.

Tenets of Faith

  • Death is the natural end of life. Suffering of life is rooted in fear of death, and so to live free, we must first and foremost accept this reality.
  • The path of Fate is sacrosanct. We must surrender ourselves completely to it, so that she may enact her will through us.
  • Undeath is an atrocity, but not all who face death deserve their end. We train our own to revivify such that the sanctity of the spirit is preserved, and wield the divine power of the Raven Queen such that undead spirits can be brought to peace.


Monastics in the Order ultimately seek the enlightenment obtained by the Raven Queen, and thus spend most of their time meditating on the cycle of life, suffering, and existence. Meditation also improves one's relationships with the spirits of the world, even allowing the most pious monastics to see them.   The harsh, cold environment of Haiten teaches the meaning of hardship to those in the Order, taming even the most prideful initiates, encouraging resilience and an appreciation for life in all. Initiates and monastics will often go out into the wilderness for fourteen days, representing the Raven Queen's fourteen days of death.   Some monastics go on missionary trips around Samarya in order to give them a broader perspective on life and suffering. They often travel to recent warzones or communities impacted by natural disaster.

Granted Divine Powers

Necromantic powers are only achieved by monastics who truly have no fear of death, and even then, it is believed if the magic does not "work", it is a sign it is not the Raven Queen's will.
Religious, Monastic Order

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