Kingdom of D'zol Organization in Sammerden | World Anvil
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Kingdom of D'zol (duh-ZOL)

The Kingdom of D'zol lies in the far north west of Sammerden, north of the League, west of the Kyzt, and east of the island of Zoenaald. It is a primarily Tetran kingdom, but it has significant specie and ethnic diversity with large minorities of Bolmor and Elosi subjects, as well as a small number of Welds. This diversity results from its location in Sammerden - far from the initial Empty advance, but equally far from the Alderi mountains and the sanctuary they provided during the The Exile War.   Consequently, the D'zol lands were severely ravaged in the war, and much of the native Bolmor and Tetran populations were wiped out during the Empty invasion, and civilisation appeared only slowly after the Reconquest (which also advanced in a direction far from D'zol). As peace returned, however, many displaced families sought to return to ancestral lands, and D'zol became something of a by-word for opportunity and freedom elsewhere in Sammerden - attracting migrants seeking more solitude and space to grow than was available in the rapidly re-establishing lands to the east and south.

Demography and Population

D'zol occupies approximately 220,000 square miles of land between the Blue Mountains, the Bolmor Mountains, and freezing Northern Sea. With a population density of approximately 40 people per square mile, there are some 9 million subjects within the Kingdom's borders.   Of these, 5.8 million are Tetran (65%), 2.25 million are Bolmor (25%), 750,000 are Elosi (8%), and the remaining 200,000 are Welds, Alder, Hemhatid, and a small number of Vayzin from the Far Isles.   The Elosi population - the second largest outside the Kingdom of Eyoit is a more recent, and controversial, feature of the Kingdom. Though some Elosi communities were present shortly after the Reconquest, most of the Elosi have arrived in the past century or so (easily within living memory for long-living Elosi). The established Elosi families are known as the Et-El (the 'older ones') - while prestigious, their relative power in the community is fading as more Elosi arrive each month by ship or across the Blue Mountains.    These new arrivals - and practically all who have come in the past 100 years - have come from the Kyzt Confederation to the east. They tell - allegedly - stories of oppression, restriction, and virtual (sometimes real) slavery at the hands of Kyzt overlords. It seems that, having closer borders to the Elosi Kingdom of Eyoit, the Kyzt have grown envious of the mechanical talent and crafting ability of the Elosi - and are forcibly using them as mining technicians, crafters, and 'advisors' in an effort to rapidly industrialise. At the same time, most Kyzt Tetra are 'Top Worlders' (or Brown Tetra) who are happier living and working above ground. Therefore, they are eager for a slave class who can forcibly complement their own 'underclass' of Grey Tetra living underground.

Foreign Relations

Diplomatically, the D'zol are close and regular trading partners with the The League of Blue and Green, their southern neighbours. They both share a sea border with the breakaway Kingdom of Free Zoenaald - and the League have worked hard to ensure D'zol's continued willingness to support the war and blockade against Zoenaald, particularly using the D'zol fleet quartered on the island of Za'dil (or 'Cold Mount') in the Northern Sea. This base allows the D'zol to undertake anti-piracy raids across the north of Zoenaald, and interrupt their main source of outside trade - the Kyzt.   However, these 'pirates' are increasingly Kyzt ships on licensed missions from the Confederation, and the D'zol navy is risking a diplomatic incident every time it sails. This is compounding the feeling that Zoenaald and Kyzt share strategic goals in defeating the combined power of the League and D'zol. Increasing Elosi voices in the kingdom calling for the relief of the Elosi in the Confederation, and Zoenaald's open practice of slavery being conflated with the accusations against the Kyzt all risk pushing the four nations into open warfare.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Kaz'fal; Bor'din; Din'bor; Tul'din; Din'tul; Dro'val; Kyz'tor; Gol'fal; Gol'din; Din'gol; Fal'tor
Din'gol (the 'mountain gem' - common across D'zol and Kyzt)
Related Species

Cover image: by MDent via Midjourney (v.4)
Character flag image: by MDent via Midjourney (v.4)


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