Asargam crystallogy Technology / Science in Samthô | World Anvil
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Asargam crystallogy

General introduction

The Empire of Asargam was known for its prowess in magic and technology. One branch of their research was crystallogy, which focused on the properties and possible uses of minerals, either in their natural form or after some kind of alteration. The alteration itself was also a special sub-field of crystallogy.

Branches of research

The basic form of crystallogy was the detection of crystals in nature as well as the use of those crystals to different ends. Many of Samthôs ores, gems, precious and semiprecious stones and crystals have speciel properties, employed in magic or alchemy. The Asargam people used these special properties to their advantage as many other peoples did or do.

Something the Asargam researchers and magicians were extremely keen at doing was the alteration of materials. While these endeavours seem to have failed with most available ressources, the manipulation of crystals was a major success. Nowadays only very few materials exist which shed light into Asargam crystallogy, since the Great Scorching successfully wiped out the Asargam Empire as well as most of their artifacts. The Great Scorching was not as surgical strike at the Asargam only. It also affected almost every other part of Samthô as well, rendering it an overall harsher environment with less abundant ressources of all kinds. This led to the destruction of most of the other civilisations' sources about the once great Asargam as well.

Known uses

The scarcity of sources has made research of the topic difficult. From what is left after the Asargam Empire was wiped out we can only assume, that crystallogy and especially the form that focused on alteration and manipulation of crystals was a major field of research. It seemed to have been used in all kinds of technologies, especially those concerned with rare properties like production of warmth or light without combustion or even flight.

One of the greatest accomplishments of Asargam technology seems to have been the Vimãna, a giant airship that was probably one of a kind and the only flying vehicle ever in existance in Samthô's history.


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