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Duinis 'Árforat

General introduction

The Duinis 'Árforat is the eastern coastline of Nuat Duinis Talou. It is a rough and rugged shoreline, much unlike the shores of the Grey Sea, where the Duiniken used to live. Natural harbours are few, albeit offering safe places for ships in case of the regular storms hitting eastern and southeastern Erana. The Duinis 'Árforat begins where the Mukebahari Bay enters the ocean and stretches all the way down to where the Hruzk Mountains meet the ocean.

Sites and features

Kérduin, the current capital of the Duiniken and 'Afhein are the biggest settlements on the Duinis 'Árforat. The northernmost and southernmost stretches are bordering on extensive woodland, with the former, the so called Hhlafsuis Kólgú ('dark forest' due to the presence of elves in that forest - the Duiniken most hated race) being close to Kérduin and the latter, the 'Aglous Kólgú stretching south from where the Fhuil (in the Andaperna languages called 'Teknapan' or 'Tekinanan') flows into the ocean.

Slightly north of the Fhuil the second big river of Andaperna flows into the ocean, the Thuil (in Andaperna languages 'Karaiz' or 'Karet'). While the Fhuil is known to be a relatively quite and peaceful river, the Thuil is prone to floodings across its banks. But the Thuil also carries nutrient rich, muddy waters into the ocean, which makes the Duinis 'Árforat a fertile coast with lots of seaborne wildlife. While fishing is dangerous due to the storms, foraging on the coastline or hunting larger amphibious animals like seals or alismandra supplements the Duiniken cuisine.

Importance to the Duiniken

Unlike the Grey Sea, the ocean to the east does not lend itself to navigation, rendering a formerly passable naval culture like the Duiniken landlocked. The Duiniken try to make the best of the situation, though. As is, the Duinis 'Árforat is considered a barrier of protection from possible invaders from the sea. Thanks to its rich wildlife, the Duinis 'Árforat also provides the Duiniken with a plethora of fish, seafruit and game. Seashells are collected for mother of pearl as well as pearls. Also the Duiniken harvest salt from the seawater or use the seawater itself to put it into their Guilpéhhis bár to ferment delicious and healthy guilpéhh.

In all other regards though, the ocean is rather dreary and a place to be feared. Every now and then a storm breaks in from the sea. While these storms are more frequent during autumn and winter, they can occasionally also com during the summer. Only springtime is slightly more safe. Being good architects, the Duiniken adapted their style of construction to the strong winds and heavy showers, having developed roof designs and window shapes keeping most of the water out.

In addition, an ocean current from the North and from the South meet in that area. While this contributes to the fertility of the area, it makes navigation difficult even when its not stormy. Thus Duiniken stick to the shore and only use small fishing vessels along the Duinis 'Árforat.

Coast / Shore


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Aug 28, 2024 21:16 by Secere Laetes

Schade für die Duiniken, dass sie jetzt nicht wirklich zur See fahren können, aber natürlich ist es so auch recht sicher wie du schreibst - bis wer kommt, der dort segeln kann, aus welchen Gründen auch immer. Mir gefällt, dass es dort dafür aber auch sehr fruchtbar ist und viele Tiere gibt. Ansonsten würde es beim Lesen helfen, besser aufgelöst werden würde, was etwas heißt. Klar, ich habe auch viel in anderen Sprachen, aber für die Lesbarkeit ist das echt nicht das Beste.