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General introduction

Carrying weapons, especially ones that can cut through flesh is strictly forbidden among all priests, monks, preachers, teachers, magicians and all other religious personalities of the Duiniken. The only exception are knifes or axes used for sacrificial or ceremonial services and even these are kept under strong security and require complex rituals to use and complex purification rituals after use. Nonetheless religious personell can fall victim to criminals. To avoid becoming an easy victim, wandering religious specialists carry a walking stick with them, the fadrahh. It is a sturdy stick with a thickened or heavy top, so it can be used to strike down an enemy. The long shaft is also effective in fending off enemies attacks.

Role and significance

The fadrahh, while obviously effective in a combat situation, resembles a cane or walking stick sufficiently as to not be perceived as a weapon. After owning weapons was outlawed for religious specialists of the Duiniken, a means of self defense was quickly found. At first only elderly or wandering religious specialists had fadrahh, before it became a staple for this group of people. The reason why carrying weapons was outlawed is unknown, but this development is relatively recenty, dating back to after the Duiniken settled down in Nuat Duinis Talou. It might be possible, that this was a safety measure against the Fhid'ou Lóm, although that organization is so secretive, that that is very unlikely, but it might also be, that the Fhid'ou Lóm initiated this legislation as to weaken the potential military force to be expected behind especially bigger religious institutions.

Indeed, there exist a number of styles of fighting using the fadhrahh. Many practise staff fencing, not officcially, but in private or for ostensibly entertainment reasons. This is why there are also schools of staff fighting using it in dance or theatrical performances, which serve as an excuse to practise some form of martial art with this popular walking aid.

Item type
Weapon, Melee


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Aug 7, 2024 01:49 by George Sanders

I like when an item can be used to describe more about the people using it and the culture around them. The fadhrahh sounds like it will be an important item in your books.

Read about the great items submitted for the Summer Camp Prompt I sponsored "A personal item that keeps you safe".
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Aug 30, 2024 21:22 by Secere Laetes

Witzig. Ich habe Amulette gesehen, etc., aber ja, auch mit einer Waffe kann man sich verteidigen. Und hier finde ich es echt gut, dass es ja tatsächlich eine Waffe zum Selbstschutz ist, und dass außerdem so viel Hintergrund mitgeliefert wird, eben dass manche Leute bei dir keine Waffen tragen sollen, etc. etc. Gefällt mir in diesem Sinne echt gut.