Gem of Docility Item in Samthô | World Anvil
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Gem of Docility

General introduction

In the Mythological Era, the Divines lived on Samthô, working the land and shaping it, creating life and reason. Reason was given to the Joun and the Luak. One of the Divines, Ardavak the Smith, was most proficient with the element of shimmer. He crafted what his brothers and sisters craved and deserved: the first weapons - swords and spears, armour like the shield and the helmet, thrones made of gold, silver, sapphires and rubies and jewellery so fine, that earrings could reach to the ankle without straining the ears and crowns that adorned the head without pressing on the hair.

Not only did he craft mere tools and adornments, but also powerful machines and artifacts, that could move without a muscles power or that brought well or woe on those Ardavak meant them for. One of these was the Gem of Docility, that made one master over another.

Creation and properties

Stories tell about Keriman, god of the wrath of fire, who was to unhinged to walk freely, as he brought much destruction about whatever he touched. It was soon decided by the Divines, that none of them should be restrained or locked away. It was this rule that forced the Divines to think of ways to keep harm from the land and their creations. Ardavak thought of many things and crafted as many. One of them was the Gem of Docility, meant to soften Kerimans' wrath. Keriman was made subject to his sister Rinahat, goddess of the evening sky. But not all were content with this, as a god should also not be subject to others. This split apart the family of the Divines, bringing strife and turmoil, that ended in the 'War of the High House'.

The Gem of Docility is a mighty artifact, as it was created by the hands of a Divine, yet its use is limited to one who must possess a certain power to wield it and to only one who can be his or her subject. Nonetheless, the power to potentially command a god lies in this gem, making it a mighty asset, should one be able to put his or her hands on it.

History and impact

The Gem of Docility was, as described, one of the reasons the family of Divines split apart. This lead to a chain of events, that ultimately lead to the Divines leaving Samthô and creating Men and Len. So it shaped Samthô's very history immensely. While many of the Divine's artifacts were destroyed before or during their retreat from Samthô or even later during the big calamity that was the Great Scorching, some believe the Gem of Docility survived and might well shape Samthôs very history again one day.

Item type
Unique Artifact


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