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Priestresses of Tán Nám

General introduction

In Nuat Duinis Talou, religious institutions of the Duniken experienced quite a restructuring. While old institutions were cemented as a point of cultural reference and for self-definition, smaller religious groups vanished or were newly founded. One of these newly founded groups are the priestresses of Tán Nám (in Duinis 'Éch 'tan' means fire and 'nám' means holy - the whole order is the 'sagónes tanés náfés'). Their worship revolves around the Duiniken goddess Reiridh, goddess of the warm autumnal sun, protected harvests, harvest fires and bonfires.

Known members and history

The history of this order is only passed down orally within the circle of the members. This makes it partly a mystery cult. Only one piece of architecture is connected to the priestresses, the Tuirbéláhh, exists. This central institution is crucial for the initiation into the cult and later refers the new members to local groups who practise their cult following a ritual calendar in sacred sites in nature. As leaving the house and the family for shorter or longer stretches of time is normal for all kinds of women in Duniken society, mostly in relation to cultic activities, but also for business and work, women can secretly join the cult at any time by visiting the Tuirbéláhh and going through the initiation. Most of the time members invite women they know into the cult, giving recommendations in the form of a 'srífilis', which is written in a form of encrypted language only members of the cult can read.

Due to the secretive nature of the cult, only the donator of the Tuirbéláhh, a rich lady named 'Artumain fo Róhhanáb is known as a definitive member. She lived during the sixth century of the Era of the Earth and came to wealth as a member of an incredibly successful family of silversmiths in service of the royal house itself. Her marriage, the legend says, was an unhappy one, though. This instigated her to get divorced from her husband and found a religious organisation tasked with taking care of women's interests. What this initially meant is unclear, as nowadays grown up women of all trades of life can be recommended to entering the cult and participate in it, no matter if they are married or not, have children, are widowed or whatever else. This is made easier by the aforementioned fact that in Duiniken society women can move about freely, regardless of their background. The number of members is unclear, but it is suspected that every major settlement has a group of women belonging to the priestresses.

Although no evidence exists of the cults size, facilities and interests, being a mystery cult it is met with some suspicion. Forces around the royal family have tried to outlaw the cult before. This activity can be attributed to the Fhid'ou Lóm, pulling strings out of the dark and trying to eradicate any possible future opposition. The Fhid'ou Lóm though is purely male, making it impossible for them to infiltrate and spy on the priestresses. Counteracting policies from the royal family indicate, that women from the very upper strata of the Duiniken society are involved in the priestresses as well, protecting them from disadvantageous legislations or even prosecutions.

Structure and responsibilities

The priestresses are run by a main council that is made up of women mostly from the close vicinity of the Tuirbéláhh. Some women also live there permanently. These women are either widowed or have escaped bad home lifes, be it their own marriage or abusive parents. This is in accordance to 'Artumain fo Róhhanábs former vision to create a place for women to turn to in their times of need, offering them protection and training. The circles of priestresses in the rest of Nuat Duinis Talou are led by a head priestress sent by the Tuirbéláhh and integrate into local society, as to not draw attention to themselves. Constant communication via letters in their encrypted language keeps instructions clear and safe and the individual circles connected to the main council and among each other.

Religious, Holy Order


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Aug 30, 2024 08:23 by Secere Laetes

Und der frauenrettende Mysterienkult selbst - der im Gegensatz zu seinen Sáladeires immerhin bekannt ist, die sich ja sogar tarnen. Ich finde es gut, wie du beschreibst, wie es funktionieren kann. Etwa dass Frauen dort auch alleine reisen und so auch mal im Hauptkomplex allein sein können. Ich wette übrigens, dass einige weibliche Royals mindestens Ehrenmitglieder sind.