Red Tides Physical / Metaphysical Law in Samthô | World Anvil
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Red Tides

General introduction

The Red Tides appear on the shores of the Mukebahari Bay. While ebb and flow are weak in the bay, they are affected by volcanic activity which is quite regular in the area and also indicated by the fact that Eranas biggest active volcano forms an island in the bay. As the tides bring water from the deeper reaches of the bay to the top, sometimes, when oceanic eruptions or fissures appear, they colour the water reddish, which is this phenomenons namesake. The Madini call the Red Tides 'golamai', the Skaura Orohlen, who also witnessed the Red Tides when they still settled further to the East remember a 'spicy water' (mákolar vatn) in their oral histories. The Tarrabaenians were introduced to the phenomenon by Grópius Avenna Porrótor, who witnessed it on one of his travels and made notes in his travelogue Nóta Scríta Maténeis.


The Red Tides are limited to the Mukebahari Bay and mainly appear on its western and southern shores, although sometimes the North is affected, too. When occurring, the colouration stays visible for a few cycles. Especially in the deeper, western parts of the bay the red can be seen for even longer periods of time up to half a month.

Cause and effect

The Red Tides appear, when volcanic activity on the ocean floor is high. This has only been the case after the Great Scorching. A plethora of gases and minerals are released into the ocean, giving it the titular colour. But colour is not the only thing changing about the waters. Often enough toxic fumes escape the water, leading to human casualties on vessels and along the shore. This is why most Madini shun the Mukebahari Bay and tell scary stories about supernatural beings like the Volcano Bear haunting the bay.

Most of the sea life has more or less adapted to the chemical chaos unleashed by the volcanoes and ruptures in the ocean floor. But on some occasions the concentration of noxious components is high enough to kill of parts of the fish and seafood, causing famines with the few people being forced to live by the bays shore.



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