Tarrabaenian measurement system
General introduction
The Tarrabaenians use their own unique measurement system. It is in part derived from the measurement system used by the Len, but holds its own innovations. The system for time is the one closest to the original Len system, but especially distances have their own, very specific system. Weights are measured in part according to the Len system, but especially everyday measurements like quantities of food or drinks are specific to the Tarrabaenians.
Categories of measurements
Name of the unit (in Tarrabaenian) | Length in cm / metres / kilometres | Formed by smaller units |
inch (pollés) | 1.4 | / |
palm (palma) | 5.6 | four pollés |
foot (pédal) | 16.8 | three palmé |
pace (gressó) | 67.2 | four pédalés |
small fathom (mínula) | 184.8 | two gressa and three pédalés |
big fathom (maiula) | 201.6 | three gressa |
throw (missió) | 24.19 metres | 24 maiulé |
range of an arrow (volátió) | 120.96 metres | 60 maiulé |
Tarrabaenian mile (dúmillia) | 1451.52 metres | twelve volátióvés or 2160 gressa |
day's journey (iter) | 20.32 kilometres | fourteen dúmillié |
Weights and volumes
Name of the unit (in Tarrabaenian) | mass in mg / g / kg | Formed by smaller units |
grain (gránó) | 43 mg | / |
big moons weight (sideria) | 0.56 g | thirteen grána |
small moons weight (elia) | 0.62 g | fourteen grána |
manipel (manipula) | 4.64 g | 108 grána |
big moon hands (símánús) | 60.37 g | 13 manipulé |
small moon hands (émánús) | 65.02 g | 14 manipulé |
double émánús/símánús (dómánús/dímánús) | 120.74/130,03 g | two big or small moon hands |
small/big pound (millibra/plúlibra) | 482.98/520.13 g | four double émánús or símánús |
empty pot/bottle (válagéna) | 28.3 kg | / |
full pot/bottle (lagéna) | 49.7 kg | weight of an válagéna and about 23.5 litres of Olive oil |
Echt super, wie tief du da rein gegangen bist und es ausgearbeitet hast. Und dann auch nur für eine einzige Kultur. Ich versuche es ja auch immer, bin dann aber immer wieder bei m, kg und co. Ich werde dich - wenn ich es noch hin bekomme, bei der Reading Challenge erwähnen.