Angela Blake

Angela Blake (a.k.a. Ang)

Angela Blake is a 28-year-old public relations agent for MATTER in the city of San Diablo. She is a confident and ambitious woman, with a sharp mind and a charismatic personality. She is determined to make a name for herself in the competitive world of public relations, and her clients, the super heroes, are her key to success.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Angela's interest in public relations began when she was a young girl. She was always fascinated by the way people could shape their image and influence others through communication. Her parents were both successful public relations agents, and she grew up watching them work with influential clients. However, it wasn't until she witnessed a group of super heroes saving her neighborhood from a dangerous villain that she realized her true calling - to be the voice and advocate for these extraordinary individuals.   As Angela became more involved with the super heroes, she began to see the challenges they face both in their personal lives and as public figures. She witnessed the sacrifices they make and the struggles they endure in order to protect the city. This experience led her to become more empathetic and understanding of their world, and she becomes even more determined to help them succeed.   Over time, Angela's role expanded beyond just managing the public image of the super heroes. She became a strategic advisor, helping them navigate through difficult situations and making sure their voices are heard in the media. Through her work, she not only helped the super heroes gain recognition and support from the public, but she also helped them grow as individuals.   Angela's successful campaigns and strong relationships with her clients resulted in her becoming one of the most sought-after public relations agents in the city.    She is able to use her skills and influence to bring about positive change and acceptance for the super heroes in San Diablo. And in the process, she also grows and changes, becoming a respected and powerful figure in the world of public relations.


Currently, Angela is the lead liason for MATTER, and the heroes they support.

Personality Characteristics


Angela's motivation and goal is to build a positive image for the super heroes of San Diablo and to make sure their heroic deeds are recognized and appreciated by the public. She believes that the super heroes deserve to be seen as the true heroes they are, and not just as vigilantes or troublemakers.


Family Ties

Angela has a close relationship with her parents, who have been her mentors and role models. She also has a strong bond with her clients, the super heroes, who she sees as her friends and colleagues. She has built a reputation for being a reliable and trustworthy agent, and her clients trust her to handle their public image with care.

Bubbly optimistic press agent for MATTER

Character Location
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Dark green
Long brown, always styled
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Perfectly tanned


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