
Isabella Cortez (a.k.a. Blitz)

Isabella Cortez was born and raised in a bustling urban neighborhood, where her family struggled to make ends meet. The daughter of two hardworking immigrants, Izzy learned from an early age the value of perseverance and hard work. From the moment she discovered her ability to move at incredible speeds, Izzy felt a sense of purpose. She became the protector of her community, convinced that her powers could help alleviate the injustices she witnessed in her neighborhood.

Physical Description

Physical quirks

Izzy's speed manifests in various physical quirks, such as her hair often being windblown, and she has a habit of tapping her foot when anxious. Her eyes have a slight sparkle of energy when she is about to speed up, a tell she still hasn't learned to control.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Significant Events:

  Discovery of Powers: At the age of 14, Izzy accidentally tapped into her super-speed while running from a bully, changing her perception of herself and what she could do with her abilities.   The Bystander Incident: The event where she accidentally harmed an innocent person became a catalyst for her internal struggles. This incident still haunts her and serves as a reason to be more cautious, adding weight to her responsibilities.


Izzy identifies as bisexual. Her relationships have always been influenced by her desire for connection and camaraderie, traits she regards as essential due to her tumultuous upbringing.


Izzy is currently a high school senior, juggling her superhero responsibilities with her studies. Despite her speed, she often finds herself battling with commitment to her education due to her more pressing obligations as a member of The Young Saints. She excels in science and mathematics, subjects she finds fascinating and applicable to her heroics.


In her spare time, she works part-time at a local comic book store, tapping into her love for superheroes—both fictional and her own.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Her most significant achievement as Blitz was leading The Young Saints to thwart a gang's takeover in her neighborhood, a feat that garnered her local acclaim. Moreover, she has managed to maintain her grades, despite the dual life, and is on track for college acceptance.

Failures & Embarrassments

Izzy struggles with time management; there have been occasions when she has missed important school events or family gatherings because she prioritized being Blitz over her personal life. This has fostered a sense of guilt, making her second-guess her commitment to being a hero.

Mental Trauma

Izzy's greatest trauma stems from a tragic event where, during a high-speed chase, she unintentionally caused harm to an innocent bystander. Although the damage was not severe, she has since battled with guilt, which makes her question her intentions and abilities.

Intellectual Characteristics

Isabella possesses a quick wit and sharp intellect, often solving problems on the fly. She has an aptitude for physics, particularly concepts related to speed and velocity, and she is curious about how her powers work at a scientific level.

Morality & Philosophy

Izzy operates on a moral compass that emphasizes protecting the innocent and ensuring justice. However, her experiences have led her to occasionally blur ethical lines, especially if it means obtaining the necessary information to protect those she loves.


She tends to avoid discussing her mental struggles and the ramifications of her powers—not wanting to burden her friends or family. Izzy also struggles with admitting her vulnerabilities, holding a perception that it would undermine her heroics.

Personality Characteristics


Izzy is motivated by a deep-seated desire to create a better world for those around her, especially children in her neighborhood who look up to her. She dreams of being a beacon of hope and has an ambition to inspire others to rise against adversity.

Likes & Dislikes

Izzy loves flower gardens—especially sunflowers, which remind her of summer days spent outside with her family. She enjoys playing video games with her friends and binge-watching superhero movies. However, she dislikes injustice in any form, bureaucracy, and people who use their power to oppress others.

Virtues & Personality perks

Izzy is fiercely loyal to her friends and family, and her optimism is contagious. She has courage and determination, often willing to face her fears, and possesses a natural ability to inspire others to stand up for what is right.

Vices & Personality flaws

Despite her many strengths, Izzy struggles with impulse control; her speed serves as a double-edged sword, sometimes leading her to make rash decisions without considering the consequences. She also has a tendency to push people away when she feels overwhelmed by her responsibilities.
Feminine. She likes looking good, even if her outfits are more jeans and t-shirts.
Hazel green
Black and wavy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Darker skin


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