
Ethan Montgomery Blake (a.k.a. Lynx)

Ethan Blake grew up in the bustling city of Arbor Heights, a place where towering skyscrapers and sprawling suburbs intersect. Raised by his single mother, a nurse working two jobs, Ethan learned early the value of resilience and empathy. His childhood was marked by financial instability, leading him to develop a strong sense of justice; he couldn't stand to see others suffer as his mother did. His father had left when he was just a toddler, a specter that lingered in the shadows of his upbringing.

Physical Description

Physical quirks

He has a distinct mark, a faded scar on his left forearm, a remnant from an early fight as Lynx. Ethan also tends to fidget with his hair when nervous, a habit that often gives away his inner turmoil.

Mental characteristics


Ethan identifies as bisexual but is still exploring his identity. He is often shy about disclosing his sexuality, especially fearing the potential judgment of his classmates and peers in The Young Saints.


As a junior at Arbor Heights High School, Ethan is a bright student with a keen interest in the sciences, particularly biology and chemistry. His academic performance is good, though it's occasionally overshadowed by his super-heroic commitments, leading to a constant balancing act between school life and heroism.


To help his mother cover expenses, Ethan works part-time at a local comic book store. Here, he immerses himself in the world of superheroes, often drawing inspiration for his own character as Lynx from the stories he reads—occasionally the shop owner even includes him in promotional events for new comic releases.

Accomplishments & Achievements

As a member of The Young Saints, Ethan has done his part in thwarting numerous petty crimes and even played a crucial role in dismantling an underground gang in Arbor Heights. He also received a community award for his efforts in leading an anti-bullying campaign at school.

Failures & Embarrassments

Despite his successes, Ethan's greatest failure came when he was unable to save a friend from an accident during a confrontation with a supervillain. The guilt from this incident festers within him, adding to his internal conflict and self-doubt as both a hero and an individual.

Mental Trauma

The loss of his friend during a battle weighs heavily on him, manifesting as anxiety and PTSD-like symptoms. Ethan sometimes struggles to sleep and has nightmares featuring his friend’s face, replaying the events of that fateful day.

Intellectual Characteristics

Ethan possesses a sharp mind and an insatiable curiosity. He frequently immerses himself in his studies, driven by a desire to understand the world around him. He often uses his scientific knowledge to devise new gadgets for his superhero persona.

Morality & Philosophy

Ethan holds a strong moral compass influenced by his mother’s teachings. He believes in helping the vulnerable and stands firmly against injustice. However, he occasionally wrestles with the gray areas of morality, particularly when faced with difficult decisions that could adversely affect innocent lives.


Ethan despises discussing failure, particularly his friend's accident. He avoids situations that might bring it up, fearing judgment and sympathy that he does not want.

Personality Characteristics


Ethan is motivated by a deep-rooted desire to protect others and ensure that no one else experiences the pain of losing a loved one due to unfair circumstances. He also wishes to make his mother proud, seeing heroism as a way to honor her sacrifices.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes comic books, which serve as both an escape and a source of inspiration.  Cats, especially for how independent and resilient they are.  Science and nature; he enjoys hiking and studying ecosystems.   Dislikes Bullying and unfairness; he is passionate about standing up for the underdog.  Seeing anyone in distress or pain, a reminder of his friend’s fate that he struggles to cope with.

Virtues & Personality perks

His biggest virtues are empathy and bravery. He often puts others’ needs before his own and is willing to face danger head-on to protect those he loves. His resilience in the face of adversity has become a substantial part of his character as Lynx.
Blonde, large amount on top, cut close on the sides.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Darker white, consistently tanned


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