Michelle "The Shadow" DeLuca

Michelle DeLuca (a.k.a. The Shadow)

Michelle 'The Shadow' DeLuca is the ruthless leader of the infamous DeLuca crime family, known for their control over the city's underworld. What sets her apart from other mob bosses is her unique ability to manipulate shadows, using them to strike fear into the hearts of her enemies.   Michelle 'The Shadow' DeLuca is currently expanding her criminal empire into the city's financial district, aiming to gain control over the lucrative money laundering operations. She is there to establish a presence and secure key alliances with corrupt politicians and businessmen.   Michelle 'The Shadow' DeLuca always dresses in stylish all-black outfits, and her piercing eyes seem to shine even in the darkest corners of a room. She moves with an almost ethereal grace, a shadowy presence that unnerves those who encounter her.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Michelle's rise to power was not an easy one. She started as a low-level member of the mafia, doing small jobs and working her way up. She proved to be a valuable asset to her superiors with her intelligence, manipulation skills, and lack of remorse. She quickly climbed the ranks and became the right-hand woman of the previous mob boss, who saw her potential and took her under his wing. When he died in a rival gang's attack, Michelle saw it as an opportunity to take over and become the new boss.


Worked her way up the ladder of the Family, even taking their last name.  When she got older, she took some of her money, and invested in The Discotheque.  Now she controls one of the hottest clubs in Neon Alley.

Morality & Philosophy

Someone has to look out for the little guy in this big ol' city.  And if that someone is able to get 20% on top of everything else, so be it.  The capes, the cowls?  They don't look after the little people.  So, it's up to the little people to rise up.


No drugs, used or sold, in her organization.  Also, no kids.  You don't harm them, you don't sway them.  And you damn sure don't hire them.  But you do take care of them.  A request from a child is a request from Him.

Personality Characteristics


Michelle's main motivation is power and control. She grew up in poverty outside of San Diablo, and she was determined to never have to struggle again. She saw how the mafia controlled her city and she wanted to be a part of it. Her ultimate goal was to become the most powerful and feared mob boss in San Diablo, and she has achieved that.   As a leader, Michelle has had to make difficult decisions and do things that go against her moral code. However, as she gained more power, she also gained more enemies. She has become more ruthless and calculated in her actions, and she will do whatever it takes to protect her position and those she cares about.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Michelle is not one to trust easily, and she keeps her personal life separate from her business. The only person she truly cares about is her adopted younger brother, Marco, who she took under her wing and protected from the harsh realities of their upbringing. She also has a close relationship with her second-in-command, Vito, who is fiercely loyal to her.

Virtues & Personality perks

Michelle realizes that she cannot change who she is, but she can use her power for good sometimes. She is known to use her influence and resources to help her community, and she is known as a powerful philanthropist. While she still runs the organized crime in San Diablo, she also uses her position to better the lives of those around her.
Don't ask.
Parents (Adopting)
Androgynous, she'll tell you it's a man's world, so you dress the part.
Brown, piercing
Natural, but hint of red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Caramel skin tone
Don't ask.


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