Misery Character in San Diablo | World Anvil


Misery is a powerful and enigmatic supervillain who thrives on chaos and destruction. He possesses a dark and controlling presence that sets him apart from other villains in his league. With his striking good looks and brooding demeanor, Misery instills fear and fascination in all who encounter him.   Misery has descended upon the city with the intention of seizing control and spreading misery wherever he goes. He thrives on the suffering of others and seeks to establish his dominance in the criminal underworld. His presence is a constant reminder of the dark forces at play in the city, as he carefully orchestrates his malevolent plans.   Misery's handsome features are juxtaposed by his cold, piercing gaze that seems to see into the souls of those who dare to challenge him. He carries an aura of power and control, with every movement deliberate and calculated. In his presence, a sense of impending doom hangs heavily in the air.   A dangerous feeling of magic exudes from Misery. He is otherworldly, and not one to be taken lightly.  His darkness control allows him to not only blend into the darkness but to also control the very nature of darkness wielding it as a weapon.   Beneath Misery's facade of power and control lies a deep-rooted inner turmoil. He harbors a secret pain and longing for redemption, fueling his desire to inflict misery on others. This hidden motivation, known only to him, drives his quest for power and control in a desperate attempt to fill the void within.

Physical Description

Body Features

Misery is chiseled from stone, his body a temple to the deity he worships.  Rarely seen wearing a shirt, no matter the temperature, his head is kept downward emoting both his pain and his rage.

Facial Features

A darkened look in his smoldering eyes, a finely trimmed goatee. A single piercing over his right eyebrow.

Physical quirks

Constantly dripping darkiness from his body.  As if his shadow was melting.

Special abilities

Able to manipulate the darkness.

Apparel & Accessories

Black leather pants, boots, and a leather trenchcoat
Current Status
Looking to cause chaos and misery with America's Perfect City
Current Location
Masculine, gives off a very gothic vibe. Some would call it mysterious, other Hot Topic
Dark brown
Black, short
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Darkened white
Whatever God he is worshipping, they have granted him something ugly.


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